How to send Consumption Information to App Store to make refund successfully

As we know, the customer initiated a refund request for a consumable in-app purchase, the CONSUMPTION_REQUEST notification will be received on the developer server side. The developer could send consumption info to help the app store to do refund decisions.

I want to make the refund have a greater chance of success. How could we send this consumption info?

We try to send consumption info to indicate one inactive user as below

AccountTenure:            1,
AppAccountToken:          "",
ConsumptionStatus:        0,
CustomerConsented:        true,
DeliveryStatus:           0,
LifetimeDollarsPurchased: 0,
LifetimeDollarsRefunded:  0,
Platform:                 1,
PlayTime:                 0,
SampleContentProvided:    false,
UserStatus:               0,

The app store failed to refund

Then we try to send consumption info to indicate one active user as below

AccountTenure:            1,
AppAccountToken:          "",
ConsumptionStatus:        0,
CustomerConsented:        true,
DeliveryStatus:           0,
LifetimeDollarsPurchased: 0,
LifetimeDollarsRefunded:  0,
Platform:                 1,
PlayTime:                 4,
SampleContentProvided:    false,
UserStatus:               1,

The app store refuses to refund again.


The App Store uses the consumption information you provide to inform its refund decisions, however whether you send this information or not, it is possible the refund could be accepted or denied. As long as you received a successful 202 response from the Consumption API, you can be confident the information was received and will be taken into account.

  • Yes, we got the 202 successful codes from this API. Currently, some customer asks our developer to do a refund for some special reason. We want to make the refund successful as possible as we can through send this consumption info. Am I right? Is there any misunderstanding of this API?

  • Currently, some customers ask us to refund directly due to they got the information from the apple store that the developer refuses to refund. So we think this API consumption info could make the refund have a greater chance of success. It seems we are wrong. We want to know the real usage of this API?

  • The data you provide will help to inform the decision of whether to grant a refund or not. Whether you provide the consumption information or not, both an acceptance or denial is possible for the refund. Providing the consumption information does not guarantee a refund acceptance. If you are providing accurate information via the API and receiving a 202 in response, the data is being recorded successfully and will assist in the decisioning process. Be sure to check out the WWDC talk on this subject if you haven't already:

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