iOS 15 - Microphone Mode Support

What are the requirements to support Voice Isolation / Wide Spectrum microphone modes on iOS 15? I see that it's possible to programmatically display the selection menu but the new options say they are unavailable inside of my app.

I have a dummy app that creates a standard AVAudioSession and sets the mode to .voiceChat (have tried a lot values here) but still can't seem to switch the microphone mode. It also has the VoIP flag enabled on the capabilities tab.

Docs to show Microphone Mode prompt:


I would also like to know how:)

Still no clues how to get this working. Did anyone figure it out?

I'm also interested. More accurately, my employer is interested. As in other cases, new feature documentation is scarce, incomplete, and/or just not helpful.
Does Apple not want third party devs using this functionality yet? If so, is it too much to ask of Apple to at least mention this in their docs so that we can properly adjust our expectations?

Did anyone get the solution for this?

Found WWDC talk:

So it's definitely not possible to programmatically change the mic mode. But in the case of my app I cannot even figure out how to enable the "mic mode" selection in the app control center. The video only vaguely says:

In order to use mic mode your app must adopt the Core Audio AUVoiceIO audio unit

I don't know what they mean by AUVoiceIO. I am using the normal AVSession and AudioComponentInstance.

I'm interested as well. AFAIK as a developer you can request to opt-in to this feature but I haven't found how to do it yet either...

My fear is that you can only do it if your app is using lower level APIs like Audio Queue Services, instead of AVAudioEngine or AVCaptureDevice