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Use the AVAudioSession object to communicate to the system how you intend to use audio in your app.

Posts under AVAudioSession tag

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Audio player app is silent if device connected via CarPlay
I have a SwiftUI app - (https://youtu.be/VbAfUk_eYl0?si=JxUBh0Bpb-vc1E1U) - which I thought was almost ready for release - a manager for airdropped audio files from Logic Pro or other music creation applications. It uses AVAudioEngine and AVAudioPlayerNode to play audio, and the MediaPlayer API to integrate with car audio and similar, all of which works well. It does not currently have an explicit CarPlay integration (and I'm slightly horrified at the amount of work that is going to require). I had the good or bad luck of getting a loaner car with carplay while mine is being repaired yesterday, and lo and behold, when connected to the vehicle via CarPlay, there is no audio output in the vehicle at all. The now playing panel correctly shows the information my app provides about the currently playing song; the player node believes it is playing, the AVAudioSession is configured as it should be. But there is no sound. Obviously I cannot ship it in this state. I've tried fiddling with the parameters the AVAudioSession is configured with, in case there was some parameter that was preventing audio output, to no avail - currently: var options = AVAudioSession.CategoryOptions() options.insert(.allowAirPlay) options.insert(.allowBluetooth) options.insert(.allowBluetoothA2DP) try session.setCategory(.playback, mode: .default, options: options) try? session.setPreferredIOBufferDuration(0.002) // ~96 samples at 44.1kHz try? session.setPrefersNoInterruptionsFromSystemAlerts(true) try? session.setPrefersInterruptionOnRouteDisconnect(false) try session.setActive(true, options: [.notifyOthersOnDeactivation]) All diagnostics within the app show the player operating correctly - files are played and flushed; AVAudioPlayerNodeCompletionCallbacks are called when they should be. But the output is not audible in the vehicle. I would much prefer to ship this app without full-blown CarPlay integration, but with working audio when connected via CarPlay, and work on full CarPlay integration for the next release. Is there some secret handshake I am just missing to make this work?
Airplay selection not working
I'm trying to implement airplay into my app. I can successfully playback sound and trigger the airplay selector sheet. If the target device is a Bluetooth only device I can connect with no problem and stream the audio to the Bluetooth device, but if the audio device is a airplay specific device like a HomePod or an Apple TV when I select it, I get a spinning icon, indicating that it is trying to connect, and eventually it times out and stops without connecting. I don't believe it is an AirPlay audio issue because if I go to a different app, for example a podcast app and select my HomePods for output, and then switch back to my app. My audio will correctly stream to the HomePod. Not only that, I have it so that my icon will change color to indicate that it is connected via airplay and it is correctly indicating that it is connected via AirPlay. But I cannot then disconnect it using the Airplay selector. The issue appears to be in the AirPlay selection side, which I have spent several days attempting to troubleshoot mostly using ChatGPT to suggest code different than what I have to maybe work around the issue. Mostly it is focused on the audio player section, but it doesn't seem like that is really the route that is the problem.
Play Audio for a Metronome
Hi, I am looking for a good way to play sounds at a high frequency. At the moment I am using the AVAudioEngine, and create a couple AVAudioPlayerNode and for each sound I need to play I create a AVAudioPCMBuffer. When the app needs to play a sound, I get the correct AVAudioPCMBuffer for the sound and use the first available AVAudioPlayerNode and feed it to the buffer. The timing for a metronome app has to be very precise because if it's of by about 16ms the user can hear that it is not playing had the right interval. For low speeds this is working without any problems, but at high speeds it is getting worse. Maybe anyone has an idea on how I can improve my method. Its a Plugin for Flutter. import AVFoundation class FastSoundPlayer { private var audioPlayers: [SoundPlayer?] = [] private var sounds: [String: Sound] = [:] private var engine = AVAudioEngine() let session = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance() init() { do { try session.setCategory(AVAudioSession.Category.playback, mode: AVAudioSession.Mode.default, options: [AVAudioSession.CategoryOptions.mixWithOthers]) try session.setActive(true) createSoundPlayers(count: 20) try engine.start() } catch { print("Error starting audio engine: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } // Selector method to handle applicationDidBecomeActiveNotification func applicationDidBecomeActive() { // Reinitialize AVAudioEngine and reattach all nodes do { engine.reset() objc_sync_enter(audioPlayers) audioPlayers.removeAll() createSoundPlayers(count: 20) objc_sync_exit(audioPlayers) try engine.start() } catch { print("Error starting audio engine: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } func createSoundPlayers(count: Int) { for _ in 0..<count { let player = SoundPlayer() engine.attach(player.player) engine.connect(player.player, to: engine.mainMixerNode, format: nil) audioPlayers.append(player) } } func load(sound: Data, name: String) { let sound = Sound(soundData: sound) sounds[name] = sound } func play(name: String) { if !engine.isRunning { applicationDidBecomeActive() } guard let sound = sounds[name] else { print("Sound not found") return } if let player = getAvailablePlayer() { player.play(sound: sound) } } func getAvailablePlayer() -> SoundPlayer? { for player in audioPlayers { if !player!.isPlaying { return player } } return nil } } class SoundPlayer { let player = AVAudioPlayerNode() var isPlaying = false init() { player.volume = 1.0 } func play(sound: Sound) { player.scheduleBuffer(sound.sound!, at: nil, options: .interrupts, completionCallbackType: .dataPlayedBack) { _ in self.complete() } if (player.engine != nil && player.engine!.isRunning) { player.play() isPlaying = true } } func complete() { isPlaying = false } } class Sound { var sound: AVAudioPCMBuffer? init(soundData: Data) { do { let temporaryURL = FileManager.default.temporaryDirectory.appendingPathComponent("tempSound.wav") try soundData.write(to: temporaryURL) // Create AVAudioFile from the temporary file URL let audioFile = try AVAudioFile(forReading: temporaryURL) // Define the format for the PCM buffer (44100Hz, stereo) let format = AVAudioFormat(commonFormat: .pcmFormatInt16, sampleRate: 44100, channels: 2, interleaved: false) // Create AVAudioPCMBuffer guard let pcmBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(pcmFormat: format!, frameCapacity: AVAudioFrameCount(audioFile.length)) else { // Failed to create PCM buffer self.sound = nil return } // Read audio file into PCM buffer try audioFile.read(into: pcmBuffer) // Assign the created AVAudioPCMBuffer to the sound property self.sound = pcmBuffer } catch { print("Error loading sound file: \(error.localizedDescription)") self.sound = nil } } } Thanks!
Low-Level Networking on watchOS for Duplex audio streaming
Dear Apple Team, I am facing an issue with UDP networking in my watchOS app for duplex audio streaming using NWConnection. I have already added the necessary capabilities, including background mode for audio, to ensure smooth operation. Issue Details: The UDP connection works fine on the simulator since it uses macOS networking and allows low-level access. However, on a real Apple Watch (running watchOS 10), the connection remains in a "waiting" state and fails with Error 50. I am aware of Technical Note TN3135 regarding low-level networking on watchOS, but even after following these guidelines, the issue persists. Questions: Does watchOS impose additional restrictions on UDP networking compared to iOS/macOS? Are there any specific entitlements or configurations required to allow UDP connections on a real Apple Watch? Is there a workaround or debugging method to get more insights into why the connection fails? I would appreciate any guidance or recommendations on resolving this issue.
Memory leak AVAudioPlayer
Let's consider the following code. I've created an actor that loads a list of .mp3 files from a Bundle and then makes it available for audio reproduction. Unfortunately, I'm experiencing a memory leak. At the play method. player.play() From Instruments I get _malloc_type_malloc_outlined libsystem_malloc.dylib start_wqthread libsystem_pthread.dylib private actor AudioActor { enum Failure: Error { case soundsNotLoaded([AudioPlayerClient.Sound: Error]) } enum Player { case music(AVAudioPlayer) } var players: [Sound: Player] = [:] let bundles: [Bundle] init(bundles: UncheckedSendable<[Bundle]>) { self.bundles = bundles.wrappedValue } func load(sounds: [Sound]) throws { try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(true, options: []) var errors: [Sound: Error] = [:] for sound in sounds { guard let url = bundle.url(forResource: sound.name, withExtension: "mp3") else { continue } do { self.players[sound] = try .music(AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf: url)) } catch { errors[sound] = error } } guard errors.isEmpty else { throw Failure.soundsNotLoaded(errors) } } func play(sound: Sound, loops: Int?) throws { guard let player = self.players[sound] else { return } switch player { case let .music(player): player.numberOfLoops = loops ?? -1 player.play() } } func stop(sound: Sound) throws { guard let player = self.players[sound] else { throw Failure.soundsNotLoaded([:]) } switch player { case let .music(player): player.stop() } } }
Making sense of AVAudioSession interruption notifications
I have an app under development - demo here - https://youtu.be/VbAfUk_eYl0?si=s6EDBx-4G6P_QbZO - which is sort of an audio player for airdropped files - something useful to musicians who dump work in progress to their phone, make notes, revise and update. I've been testing my handling of audio session interruption notifications, but seems to be a lot of inconsistency in how, when and why iOS delivers them, and I'm wondering if there is some rhyme or reason to it that I'm just not detecting. For example, I am playing a song in my app. Switch to Apple Music and start playing a song there. My app gets an interruption began notification - this is consistent. Switch back to my app, and about half the time, I will get an interruption ended notification (coupled often with a blast of the tail of whatever audio buffer was partially played when the interruption started, even though the engine was stopped - and followed by call to my AVAudioPlayerNodeCompletionCallback - is there some way to avoid this?). Half the time I don't get an interruption ended notification; my app can (as expected) end the interruption by activating the AVAudioSession and playing something. I have not been able to determine any pattern to this behavior, other than that if my app started playing using AVAudioPlayerNode.scheduleSegment rather than scheduleFile I think the notification will be consistently delivered on app activation rather than when I activate the session programmatically. I would like my app to behave deterministically, and would appreciate any help in deciphering what causes the inconsistent behavior in notifications from iOS.
Background recording app getting killed by watch dog.. how to avoid?
We have the necessary background recording entitlements, and for many users... do not run into any issues. However, there is a subset of users that routinely get recordings ending.. we have narrowed this down and believe it to be the work of the watch dog. First we removed the entire view hierarchy when app is backgrounded. There is just 'Text("Recording")' This got the CPU usage in profiler down to 0%. We saw massive improvements to recording success rate. We walked away assuming that was enough. However we are still seeing the same sort of crashes. All in the background. We're using Observation to drive audio state changes to a Live Activity. Are those Observations causing the problem? Why doesn't apple provide a better API to background audio? The internet is full of weird issues https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76010213/why-is-my-react-native-app-sometimes-terminated-in-the-background-while-tracking https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71656047/why-is-my-react-native-app-terminating-in-the-background-while-recording-ios-r https://github.com/expo/expo/issues/16807 This is such a terrible user experience. And we have very little visibility into what is happening and why. No where in apple documentation states that in order for background recording to work, the app can only be 'Text("Recording")' It does not outline a CPU or memory threshold. It just kills us.
PTT Framework has compatibility issue with .voiceChat AVAudioSession mode
As I've mentioned before our app uses PTT Framework to record and send audio messages. In one of supported by app mode we are using WebRTC.org library for that purpose. Internally WebRTC.org library uses Voice-Processing I/O Unit (kAudioUnitSubType_VoiceProcessingIO subtype) to retrieve audio from mic. According to https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfaudio/avaudiosession/mode-swift.struct/voicechat using Voice-Processing I/O Unit leads to implicit enabling .voiceChat AVAudioSession mode (i.e. it looks like it's not possible to use Voice-Processing I/O Unit without .voiceChat mode). And problem is following: when user starts outgoing PTT, PTT Framework plays audio notification, but in case of enabled .voiceChat mode that sound is playing distorted or not playing at all. Questions: Is it known issue? Is there any way to workaround it?
AVAudioEngine. Select input device on macOS
Hello! I'm use AVFoundation for preview video and audio from selected device, and I try use AVAudioEngine for preview audio in real-time, but I can't or I don't understand how select input device? I can hear only my microphone in real-time So far, I'm using AVCaptureAudioPreviewOutput for in real-time hear audio, but I think has delay. On iOS works easy with AVAudioEngine, but on macOS bruh...
Best Approach for Reliable Background Audio Playback with Audio Ducking on Command from Server
I am developing an iOS app that needs to play spoken audio on demand from a server, while ducking the audio of background music from another app (e.g., SoundtrackYourBrand or Apple Music). This must work even when the app is in the background, and the server dictates when and what audio is played. Ideally, the message should be played within a minute of the server requesting it. Current Attempt & Observations I initially tried using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) silent notifications to send a URL to an audio file, which the app would then play using AVPlayer. This works consistently when the app is active, but in the background, it only works about 60% of the time. In cases where it fails, iOS ducks the background music (e.g., from SoundtrackYourBrand) but never plays the spoken audio. Interestingly, when I play the audio without enabling audio ducking, it seems to work 100% of the time from my limited testing, even in the background. The app has background modes enabled for Audio, Background Fetch, and Remote Notifications. Best Approach to Achieve This? I’d like guidance on the best Apple-compliant approach to reliably play audio on command from the server, even when the app is in the background. Some possible paths: Ensuring the app remains active in the background – Are there recommended ways to prevent the app from getting suspended, such as background tasks, a special background mode, or a persistent connection to the server? Alternative triggering mechanisms – Would something like VoIP, Push-to-Talk, or another background service be better suited for this use case? Built-in iOS speech synthesis (AVSpeechSynthesizer) – If playing external audio is unreliable, would generating speech dynamically from text be a more robust approach? Streaming audio instead of sending a URL – Could continuous streaming from the server keep the app active and allow playback at the right moment? I want to ensure the solution is reliable and works 100% of the time when needed. Any recommendations on the best approach for this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and guidance.
Feb ’25
AVAudioRecorder records silence
We have application using PTT Framework to record audio messages when app is backgrounded. Right now we are using AVAudioRecorder for that purpose. And problem is one specific user has frequent issue - recorded audio contains only silence. I've checked almost everything I can imagine but didn't find any possible reason of issue. Conditions: AVAudioRecorder uses following configuration: [ AVEncoderAudioQualityKey: AVAudioQuality.low.rawValue, AVFormatIDKey : kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC, AVNumberOfChannelsKey: 1, AVSampleRateKey: 16000.0 ] App waits both didBeginTransmitting and didActivate audioSession from PTChannelManager (audio session has playback category at that moment) App does AVAudioSession category change to playAndRecord App gets routeChangeNotification with categoryChange and category = playAndRecord There is no any interruption notifications from AVAudioSession during recording There is no any error notification from AVAudioRecorder Any idea what exactly I do wrong? Is there anything else I should check? Thanks in advance. P.S. it looks like recording audio with AudioUnit has the same issue, but let's exclude it from question atm for simplicity.
AVQueuePlayer Error: LoudnessManager.mm:709 unable to open stream for LoudnessManager plist
Getting this error in iPhone Portrait Mode with notch. Currrently using AVQueuePlayer to play more than 30 mp3 files one by one. All constraint properties are correct but error occures only in Apple iPhone Portrait Mode with notch series. But same code works on same iPhone in Landscape mode. **But I get this error: ** LoudnessManager.mm:709 unable to open stream for LoudnessManager plist Type: Error | Timestamp: 2025-02-07 | Process: | Library: AudioToolbox | Subsystem: com.apple.coreaudio | Category: aqme | TID: 0x42754 LoudnessManager.mm:709 unable to open stream for LoudnessManager plist LoudnessManager.mm:709 unable to open stream for LoudnessManager plist Timestamp: 2025-02-07 | Library: AudioToolbox | Subsystem: com.apple.coreaudio | Category: aqme
Feb ’25
Under certain conditions, using CallKit does not automatically enable the microphone.
Issue: Under certain conditions, using CallKit does not automatically enable the microphone. Steps to Reproduce: 1.Start an outgoing call, then the user manually mutes the audio. 2.Receive a native incoming call, end the current call, then answer the new incoming call.(This order is important.) 3.End the incoming call. 4.Start another outgoing call and observe the microphone; do not manually mute or unmute. Actual Behavior: The audio icon indicates that the audio is unmuted, but the microphone remains off, and the small yellow dot in the top status bar (which represents the microphone) does not appear. Expected Behavior: The microphone should be on, consistent with the audio icon display, and the small yellow dot should appear in the top status bar. Device: iPhone 16 pro & iPhone 15 pro, iOS 18.0+ Can it be reproduced using speakerbox(CallKit Demo)? YES
MPRemoteCommandCenter not updating play/pause button to proper state on iOS
So I'm using AVAudioEngine. When playing audio I become the 'now playing' app using MPNowPlayingInfoCenter/MPRemoteCommandCenter APIs. When configuring MPRemoteCommandCenter I add a play/pause command target via -addTargetWithHandler on the togglePlayPauseCommand property. Now I also have a play/pause button in my app's UI. When I pause playback from my app's UI (which means I'm the active app, I'm in the foreground), what I do is this: -I pause the AVAudioPlayerNode I'm using with AVAudioEngine. I do not, stop, reset, etc. the AVAudioEngine. I only pause the player node. My thought process here is that the user just pressed pause and it is very likely that he will hit 'play' to resume playback in the near future because My app is in the foreground and the user just hit the pause button. Now if my app moves to the background and if I receive a memory warning I presume it'd make sense to tear down the engine or pause it. Perhaps I'm wrong about this? So when I initially hit the play button from my app's UI I also activate my AVAudioSession. I do this in high priority NSOperation since the documentation warns that "we recommend that applications not activate their session from a thread where a long blocking operation will be problematic." So now I'm playing and I hit pause from my app's UI. Then I quickly bring up the "Now Playing" center and I see I'm the "Now Playing" app but the play-pause button is showing the pause icon instead of the play icon but I'm in the pause state. I do set MPNowPlayingInfoCenter's playbackState to MPNowPlayingPlaybackStatePaused when I pause. Not surprisingly this doesn't work. The documentation states this is for macOS only. So the only way to get MPRemoteCommandCenter to show the "play" image for the play-pause button is to deactivate my AVAudioSession when I pause playback? Since I change the active state of my audio session in a NSOperation because documentation recommends "we recommend that applications not activate their session from a thread where a long blocking operation will be problematic." the play-pause toggle in the remote command center won't immediately update since I'm doing it on another thread. IMO it feels kind of inappropriate for a play-pause button to wait on a NSOperation activating the audio session before updating its UI when I already know my play/paused state, it should update right away like the button in my app does. Wouldn't it be nicer to just use MPNowPlayingInfoCenter's playbackState property on iOS too? If I'm no the longer the now playing app/active audio session it doesn't matter since I'm not in the now playing UI, just ignore it? Also is it recommended that I deactivate my audio session explicitly every time the user pauses audio in my app (when I'm in the foreground)? Also when I do deactivate the audio session I get an error: AVAudioSessionErrorCodeIsBusy (but the button in the now playing center updates to the proper image). I do this : -(void)pause { [self.playerNode pause]; [self runOperationToDeactivateAudioSession]; // This does nothing on iOS: MPNowPlayingInfoCenter *nowPlayingCenter = [MPNowPlayingInfoCenter defaultCenter]; nowPlayingCenter.playbackState = MPNowPlayingPlaybackStatePaused; } So in -runOperationToDeactivateAudioSession I get the AVAudioSessionErrorCodeIsBusy. According to the documentation Starting in iOS 8, if the session has running I/Os at the time that deactivation is requested, the session will be deactivated, but the method will return NO and populate the NSError with the code property set to AVAudioSessionErrorCodeIsBusy to indicate the misuse of the API. So pausing the player node when pausing isn't enough to meet the deactivation criteria. I guess I have to pause or stop the audio engine. I could probably wait until I receive a scene went to background notification or something before deactivating my audio session (which is async, so the button may not update to the correct image in time). This seems like a lot of code to have to write to get a play-pause toggle to update, especially in iPad-multi window scene environment. What's the recommended approach? Should I pause the AudioEngine instead of the player node always? Should I always explicitly deactivate my audio session when the user pauses playback from my app's UI even if I'm in the foreground? I personally like the idea of just being able to set [MPNowPlayingInfoCenter defaultCenter].playbackState = MPNowPlayingPlaybackStatePaused; But maybe that's because that would just make things easier on me. This does feels overcomplicated though. If anyone can share some tips on how I should handle this, I'd appreciate it.
Feb ’25
AVAudioEngine Stop Method
Hi all! I have been experiencing some issues when using the AVAudioEngine to play audio and record input while doing a voice chat (through the PTT Interface). I noticed if I connect any players to the AudioGraph OR call start that the audio session becomes active (this is on iOS). I don't see anything in the docs or the header files in the AVFoundation, but is it possible that calling the stop method on an engine deactivates the audio session too? In a normal app this behavior seems logical, but when using PTT all activation and deactivation of the audio session must go through the framework and its delegate methods. The issue I am debugging is that when the engine with the input node tapped gets stopped, and there is a gap between the input and when the server replies with inbound audio to be played and something seems to be getting the hardware/audio session into a jammed state. Thanks for any feedback and/or confirmation on this behavior!
Feb ’25
Using AVCaptureSession to record a video on initialising audio session from a Push To Talk call, audio of the ongoing video recording is getting stopped while the video recording is still ongoing.
We have a Push To Talk application which allow user to record video and audio. When user is recording a video using AVCaptureSession and receive's an Push To Talk call, from moment the Push To Talk call is received the audio in the video which is being captured is stopped while the video capture is still in progress. Here after the PTT call is completed, we have tried restarting the audio session, there are no errors that are getting printed but we still don't see the audio getting restarted in video capture. We have also tried to add a new input for AVCaptureSession we are receiving error that is resulting in video capture stopping, error mentioned below: [OS-PLT] [CameraManager] Movie file finished with error: Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11818 "Recording Stopped" UserInfo={AVErrorRecordingSuccessfullyFinishedKey=true, NSLocalizedDescription=Recording Stopped, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Stop any other actions using the recording device and try again., AVErrorRecordingFailureDomainKey=1, NSUnderlyingError=0x3026bff60 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-16414 "(null)"}}, success We have also raised a Feedback Ticket on same: https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/16050598
Feb ’25
Handling AVAudioEngine Configuration Change
Hi all, I have been quite stumped on this behavior for a little bit now, so thought it best to share here and see if someone more experience with AVAudioEngine / AVAudioSession can weigh in. Right now I have a AVAudioEngine that I am using to perform some voice chat with and give buffers to play. This works perfectly until route changes start to occur, which causes the AVAudioEngine to reset itself, which then causes all players attached to this engine to be stopped. Once a AVPlayerNode gets stopped due to this (but also any other time), all samples that were scheduled to be played then get purged. Where this becomes confusing for me is the completion handler gets called every time regardless of the sound actually being played. Is there a reliable way to know if a sample needs to be rescheduled after a player has been reset? I am not quite sure in my case what my observer of AVAudioEngineConfigurationChange needs to be doing, as this engine only handles output. All input is through a separate engine for simplicity. Currently I am storing a queue of samples as they get sent to the AVPlayerNode for playback, and after that completion checking if the player isPlaying or not. If it's playing I assume that the sound actually was played- and if not then I leave it in the queue and assume that an observer on the route change or the configuration change will realize there are samples in the queue and reset them Thanks for any feedback!
Feb ’25
Are some backgrounded apps allowed to record phone calls but not others?
It’s been established that generally speaking background apps cannot record audio while the foreground app is already reading audio data from the microphone, but are there exceptions? For instance, is there an exception for certain Apple apps? If so, and there’s a special exception that most programmers don’t know about but some Apple’s engineers do and perhaps some hackers do as well, wouldn’t the mechanism that allows that eventually be exploited?
Dec ’24
Can backgrounded app record phone calls?
I'd like to know: Let's say there's a backgrounded app which has microphone access, such as Signal or SoundHound or Shazam. It's established that these apps are allowed to record audio in the user's environment even after being backgrounded, seemingly for as long as they want and even upload that sound data. But can they ALSO continue recording even while another app that is in the foreground is using the microphone, such as the Phone app or Signal?
Dec ’24