Problems with HLS in iOS15 / tvOS15 - requires alignment of video and audio segment length

We have live HLS streams with separate aac audio for multi-language tracks.

Previously we have had 6 second segments, which had led to a small variation in audio segment length, although this played back everywhere on iOS14/tvOS14.

In iOS15/tvOS15 these streams fail to play, unless we align audio and video segment lengths, which in turn requires us to run at 4 or 8 seconds for segments.

To get back to 6, we would need to sample at a much higher rate (192kHz), as opposed to the 96kHz we have working today, or the 48kHz we had working previously.

Anyone else spotted this?

  • After updating my iphone from IOS 14 to IOS 15.1.1 suddenly my javascript code show me HLS is not supported, Work fine in WEB from windows, Android App, but no from Iphone IOS 15+, some solution to this?.

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I recommend you start by validating your stream using mediastreamvalidator and hlsreport, and addressing any "must/should fix" that the report shows. That will ensure your streams really do meet the HLS spec and Apple's platform-specific requirements. (These command-line utilities should be available on any recent macOS installation.)

If you still have a problem, I'd recommend a bug report via Feedback Assistant, preferably with a URL to a sample stream that demonstrates the problem. If you file a bug report, please post the bug number here too.

We now believe this is a problem that relates to the PTS roll-over in our live stream. Looks like 13 hours after the PTS is reset to zero, the stream does not start up.

I wonder whether anything of this nature has changed in iOS15. Naturally all continues to work fine via iOS14.

Hello ,

We are having smillar issue . Our HLS LL stream play fine on IOS 14 but not on IOS15 .

"mediastreamvalidator" and "hlsreport" doesnt show any error related to this issue.

What is changed on IOS 15 ? and what is causing this ?

  • Great to hear someone else is having this problem. I am slightly amazed it’s not more widespread.

    The thread title is a bit misleading as we thought we had fixed things by aligning audio and video, but the nature of this problem is it only happens after a number of hours after the encoder is running, and cycles on a 13 hour basis.

    pretty sure it will affect anyone with separate aac audio.

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I ran into the same issue and sent feedback with sample sources (ticket number is FB9841692). It seems to happen when the AAC container is used for the audio playlist and the PTS loop occurs in the middle of a live stream. It appears to be unresolved in iOS 15.2

  • Did you receive any feedback to your ticket? Unfortunately it's not public any more... Facing the same issues here with iOS 15...

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Hello guys we are chasing ghosts on a similar issue since the first week of december. Our streaming - linear and events, sometime intermittently stop to start. What we see in Charles is that the video segments are not downloaded, while the audio ones continue to b e downloaded. A new retry is making the streaming working again. Then a new is failing and so on

Anybody is experiencing a similar issue?