swift-frontend memory usage

I think I've found a memory leak with GeometryReader. The memory footprint of swift-frontend grows 50gb> with this single line

I have detailed the issue here: https://github.com/Func-Main/swiftui-memory-bug

Is anyone able to confirm? I don't think this is an issue related to the purely to the .aspectRatio modifier, but rather GeometryReader in general.

This image was after 30 seconds

On a MacBook Air M1 (2020) 16GB with macOS 12.4 and XCode 13.4.1 (13F100) having the same issue - while developping a SwiftUI XCode is reporting an internal error and gets stuck... crashing the whole system. Swift Frontend going up until 100 GB (sic!). Should I downgrade XCode ? To what version? - Edit: After restart "Clean Build Folder" works. Then without any action after a few seconds the SourceKitService comes to live and starts eating Memory from 19 GB up till 110 GB and then disapears (crashes?). What the heck is going on here?

50 GB ???? *

My M1 Max with 64 Gb RAM just crashed because of this. Xcode 14 release, not beta, MacOS 12.6, latest update. Trying to compile this a SwiftUI view with a Table in it.

swift-frontend memory usage