iOS 15 Simulator - Files App not showing contents of Documents Folder anymore

Updated my environment recently to Big Sur and Xcode 12.5.1. I have an app that downloads pdf files and saves it externally to be viewed in the Files App. Everything works fine on real device but not in the simulator.

I observed that files in Documents folder of the iOS simulator(iOS 15.0) do not show up in the Files app anymore.

Is there any permission/hiccup here that I should be aware of?

  • Correction, the issue only happens with XCode 13.0 running in iOS Simulator 15.0. And I have not verified if the issue is also there when run in a real device.

    For XCode 12.5.1 running in iOS Simulator 14.5, it works fine.

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And I have not verified if the issue is also there when run in a real device.

As far as I tried, a file saved in the Documents folder of an app can be opened with a real device. (iPhone 12 Pro Max/iOS 15.0.1)

  • I tested my app just now using XCode 13.0 in real device with iOS 15.0 and it works fine, I can see my pdf file in Files App. The issue is only in iOS Simulator, pdf is not showing in Files App, but it exists(Documents folder of the simulator) when I check in Finder App.

  • The simulator problem is sort of annoying and we want to test the feature on simulators. Have you already sent a bug report to Apple?

  • I reported on Feedback assistant, I am not aware any place else to report.


And I have not verified if the issue is also there when run in a real device.

As far as I tried, a file saved in the Documents folder of an app can be opened with a real device. (iPhone 12 Pro Max/iOS 15.0.1)

  • I tested my app just now using XCode 13.0 in real device with iOS 15.0 and it works fine, I can see my pdf file in Files App. The issue is only in iOS Simulator, pdf is not showing in Files App, but it exists(Documents folder of the simulator) when I check in Finder App.

  • The simulator problem is sort of annoying and we want to test the feature on simulators. Have you already sent a bug report to Apple?

  • I reported on Feedback assistant, I am not aware any place else to report.

I'm having the same problem and went insane trying to find a solution. Thank you !

Is there any hope of this being fixed? I have to write a tool to clean out files in order to do any testing on a simulator. This is more than just an inconvenience