Mismatched Translation

I'm experimenting with github actions, xcodebuild -exportLocalizations / xcodebuild -importLocalizations and the web application lokalise.com, trying to automate the localisation process for my app.

As a test I marked all my storyboards as localisable with base (english) localisation, exported the .xcloc and imported it into lokalise. Lokalise correctly imports this as English and shows all the keys / values.

If I make any change to the English translations as a test (such as adding a "$" to the end), Lokalise changes both source and target inside the xliff

<trans-unit id="JOQ-R1-RUU.text">
<source>Total $</source>
<target>Total $</target>
<note>Class = "UILabel"; text = "Total"; ObjectID = "JOQ-R1-RUU";</note>

I'm assuming this is what I would want. Given English is my base language. I would want my storyboard to update and display this new value while i'm working on it, not just on my app when its set to English.

However when I import (either manually or via command line) I get a warning about a mismatch with no option to accept the new value. Importing just ignores it and does nothing.

Is there no way to tell Xcode that this is what I want, accept the change?

Unfortunately, this seems like a bug in your translation tool. The value of <source> reflects the "source of truth" value as it appear in your Base-localized Storyboard. You can update English independently of this, but you should only edit <target>. If you need to update the "source of truth", you need to edit this directly in your Storyboard and not via a translation tool.

Mismatched Translation