How to add SiriKit to macOS app

Hi, I haven't been able to add some basic SiriKit actions to my macOS app in macOS Monterey. To test this out, I created a new project, made it a macOS app with Storyboard. Then I added an intents definition file, and added a basic intent, with no inputs/outputs. I added the intent name to "Supported Intents" in the target "General" configuration.

Now when I build and run the app, the shortcut doesn't show up in the Apple Shortcuts app. I've tried looking for the "Siri" capability in "Signing & Capabilities" and it's not listed there (compared to a new iOS app where it would be).

I'm not sure what I'm missing here. Would love some help.

I'm using Xcode 13.1 on macOS Monterey RC.


I created a new Feedback with a sample project: FB9716011