How do you renew distribution certificates and create a cert request

I received this email and i cannot for the life of me figure out how to renew a distritbution certificate and create a request for signature certificate. This is all so confusing and not easy to follow at all. Please help, my distribution certificates expires on October 27th.

 Dear Daniel, 

Your Distribution Certificate will no longer be valid in 30 days. To generate a new certificate, sign in and visit Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.

Certificate: Distribution Team ID: M96UCKJQHT

To learn more about expired certificates, visit the certificates support page.

Best regards, Apple Developer Relations

Hey @machine-agency,

Thanks for posting this on the forums! At a super high level, this is nothing urgent to worry about and you have plenty of time! The only thing that will "stop working" on the 27th is being able to generate a production IPA file for uploading to the App Store. No other work should be impacted.

Below are a few guides that might be helpful for creating a CSR file (first two are CSR file only, the later two are the full certificate process). This will look like any other file on your computer. I have three recommendations when creating CSR files for use.

  • Only have one per Apple Developer Account that you are working with. This helps me personally reduce confusion as I work across multiple accounts.
  • I do not specify the Key Size when working with Apple services as Apple sets the Distribution Certificate Key Size or APNS Key Size when creating these certificates. Apple changes your Distribution Certificate anyways when you upload to the App Store.
  • In the "Common Name" field I would suggest putting your Team Name. The reason I do this is so that I know which account a certificate belongs to when looking at the certificate that you generate with the CSR after it has been created. You can find your Team Name here:!/membership/.

Hopefully this helps!

Go to


Go to your account to look for certificates.

Just ask for a new certificate in Xcode. It will automatically replace the existing one when it expires. No need to resign app either. How to fix it in Xcode:

  1. Xcode Preferences
  2. Select Accounts tab
  3. Select your ID
  4. Click on Manage certificates
  5. Click on + at the lower left and select the distribution certificate
How do you renew distribution certificates and create a cert request