Xcode 13 doesn't stay paused on breakpoint

I'm on Xcode 13 GM (13A233) and I'm noticing that it won't stay paused when it hits a breakpoint. It stops, but about a minute later it just resumes. Is there a new default setting that might cause this? I don't see anything relevant in "Behaviors," but maybe I'm missing something. Has anybody else encountered this issue?

The only unusual thing about my project is that I am calling Python from it, using PythonKit. But this breakpoint pause issue isn't isolated to code involving PythonKit.

I've tried all the usual "fixes"—i.e., clean build, delete derived data, relaunch, etc. The app is just a simple SwiftUI app for macOS.

Any thoughts appreciated.

I tested with Xcode 13 (13A233).

I set a breakpoint in this simple code at line 7.

I waited for 3 minutes, and code was still stopped. Then it did continue normally.

1. struct ContentView: View {
2. @State var newText: String = ""
3. @State var newText2: String = ""
4. var body: some View {
5. List {
6. Text("Hello, World!")
7. Text("Hello, Again!")
8. TextField("New text", text: $newText).environment(\.isEnabled, true)
9. TextField("New text 2", text: $newText2).environment(\.isEnabled, true)
10. }
11. }
12. }

Could you show your code and where you set the breakpoint ?

Thanks for the response.

Actually, it will pause and stay paused if I break in the main View, but in a service function I have for processing data it stops for a few seconds, then continues. It's a static function in a singleton, but I don't think that would make a difference.

However, I actually just noticed a couple of things: 1) the app is actually detaching and continuing, and 2) it's posting an error that I hadn't noticed before (gulp): Message from debugger: The LLDB RPC server has crashed. You may need to manually terminate your process. The crash log is located in ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports and has a prefix 'lldb-rpc-server'. Please file a bug and attach the most recent crash log....

It does the same breaking at various points in a custom package I'm developing alongside the app.

I'll file a bug... I guess this should go to Swift, not necessarily Apple?

EDIT: Actually, I see a similar unresolved issue from August at bugs.swift.org: https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-15110?jql=text%20~%20%22lldb%20crash%22 (In case anyone else is seeing the same issue.)

Xcode 13 doesn't stay paused on breakpoint