tvOS App Icon Errors

I made a minor change the UI of my tvOS App, and am now getting errors related to the App Icon. I have confirmed that all the background images DO match the requirements but App Store Connect won't let me upload:

App Store Connect Operation Error
Invalid Image Asset. The image stack 'App Icon' in 'Payload/My' has a background layer image that does not match the canvas dimensions '400x240'.

App Store Connect Operation Error
Invalid Image Asset. The image stack 'App Icon' in 'Payload/My' has a background layer image that does not match the canvas dimensions '800x480'.

App Store Connect Operation Error
Invalid Image Asset. The image stack 'App Icon' in 'Payload/My' has a background layer image that does not match the canvas dimensions '1280x768'.

App Store Connect Operation Error
Invalid Image Asset. The image stack 'App Icon' in 'Payload/My' has a background layer image that does not match the canvas dimensions '2560x1536'.

App Store Connect Operation Error
Invalid Image Asset. The App Store Icon must only contain an image with size (1280pt × 768pt @1x). Refer to for more information

Have the standards changed? Or is there another issue I should be looking at? Thanks!

Note, I have confirmed that all of background layers do not have an Alpha Channel, and are of the appropriate sizes.

hey @Michaelrowe01 did you manage to solve this error? I'm also trying to upload a tv os app and getting Invalid Image Asset. The image stack 'App Icon' in 'Payload/My' has a background layer image that does not match the canvas dimensions '800x480'.

tvOS App Icon Errors