stuck on verifying screen/ Package Dependencies

Hello everyone, I have a problem with my Xcode, when I try to add package dependency it stuck on verifying screen, at the beginning of the preparing to validate part. anyone has the same problem?

Answered by robnotyou in 698209022


There is a serious issue with the latest App Store version of Xcode 13.2.

See this thread:

The workaround is to download an updated Xcode 13.2 from Apple Developer (Applications):

Accepted Answer


There is a serious issue with the latest App Store version of Xcode 13.2.

See this thread:

The workaround is to download an updated Xcode 13.2 from Apple Developer (Applications):

This is a known bug in Xcode 13.2. Please refer to:

To workaround this issue, please re-download Xcode 13.2 directly from Releases section of the Apple Developer website. This information is also captured in the Xcode 13.2 Release Notes.

wow okay thank you

I am still getting this problem. 13C100, downloaded it fresh today. And yet it works on another machine. sigh.

I am also having this issue with Xcode 13.4.1 trying to import the Mapbox package (instructions here: ) from their Github repo.

I have deleted and reinstalled Xcode, but it still hangs at "Preparing to validate...".

I am also having this issue with Xcode 13.4.1 trying to import the XCDYouTubeKit package ( github / 0xced / XCDYouTubeKit ) from their Github repo. It looks like it is hanging on "Verifying XCDYouTubeKit" at zero progress-bar progress.

I just ran in to this as well. There's one other situation where this will stall. If your Xcode settings Locations are set to Legacy you can't add packages. Double check Xcode->Settings...->Locations->Advanced...->Build Location must not be Legacy.

This was happening for me when using Xcode 14.3.1

In Case it helps anybody I found that if I deleted ~/Library/Caches/org.swift.swiftpm then it fixed the problem for me

Double check Xcode->Settings...->Locations->Advanced...->Build Location must not be Legacy.

I'm on Xcode 15.1 and for me, this wasn't set to Legacy. However, there's also File > Project Settings… > Advanced… > Build Location and that was set to Legacy. Changing it to Xcode Default and reloading the project helped.

The answer from atbf is what helped me. You have to change the project setting build location and you have to close and reopen the project.

Try resetting Package Caches, just in case. Worked for me.

File > Packages > Reset Package Caches

stuck on verifying screen/ Package Dependencies