"Xcode couldn't find a provisioning profile..." How do I create a profile without a developer account?

I am trying to test an ionic app on an iPhone but I don't have a developer account.

I tried following all the steps here: http://blog.ionic.io/deploying-to-a-device-without-an-apple-developer-account/

However, when I try to have xcode 'Automatically manage signing', I get the errors shown in the screenshot below. I also get the error: "Xcode couldn't find a provisioning profile matching..."

What am I doing wrong? How do I make a provisioning profile? How can it say 'No profiles were found'? Isn't it supposed to make the profiles for me automatically?

Below is a link to a screenshot of the error. I am mainly concerned about the second error, not the first.


>I tried following all the steps here

Confirm your process...

Free provisioning/testing on your device:

• From within Xcode 7.x or higher (Mac only), navigate to “Xcode—->Preferences—->Accounts.” Hit the '+' icon below left to add your Apple ID*. After you add your account, it will show within the main account window on the right.

• Select your account, hit the “View Details” button and wait (be patient) for them to load.

• Now create the 'signing identity' used to create a provisioning profile used for device testing - Hit the “Create” button next to the 'iOS development' label. When completed, hit ‘Done’. If the create button is dimmed, continue waiting for the process to complete. If you instead see a 'Reset' button, stop...there are other factors outside this process that need to be sorted first.

• Connect your device (cable only, not wireless) and select it as build destination via the 'active scheme' dropdown to the right of the play and stop icons.

• In target's 'General' tab/settings:

• a. Set app identifier you want for your free profile - note this must be unique, meaning if it is already in use, you can expect an alert warning is it is already in use and you should enter a different string. If you expect to make this app for store distribution later, you will either need to change again, then, or make a plan now that includes a naming scheme.

• b. Set team id as your apple id

• c. Hit 'Fix Issue' button below the provisioning profile warning

- You may have to ‘Fix Issue' more than once - keep at it so Xcode can step thru them as needed.

• Run your app with your device selected.**

Free provisioning secrets/things you’ll want to know:

- The profile will be valid for 1 week, after which time you will need to recreate a new one (repeat the process).

- There is a limit to how many apps you can build and test to your device. If you hit this error, delete old versions and try again.

- Maximum number of (connected only) devices limit is reported as 3.

- What you can/can't do w/free provisioning is listed here:

https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/SupportedCapabilities/SupportedCapabilities.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40012582-CH38-SW1 - In App Purchase, as an example, is one of the features not avaliable w/free provisioning.

- If you see an error that says "change your Bundle Identifier to a unique one”, that means don’t use: com.sample.app …add your last name or some string to the end such as com.sample.lastname. You may need to change it again if your app goes to the store.

- If this is about creating an .ipa to manually hand off, select Build For Archiving under the project menu, not ‘Run’.

- *If you have, had, or plan to have, a paid developer account, be sure to use a unique/different apple ID for each account.

- **Free accounts may experience issues launching apps on the watch for the first time.

Workaround: Launch the app manually on the device and click “Trust” when the security sheet appears. You should then be able to launch the app from Xcode.

> "I am mainly concerned about the second error, not the first."

The first error message explains why you are having the issue. It appears your app is configured to use In App Purchases. To use that feature, you will need a paid Developer account. Without a paid Developer account, Xcode will not be able to generate the proper provisioning profile that includes the In App Purchases capability.

Please try removing the In App Purchases feature from the configuration of your Xcode project. Then Xcode should be able to handle provisioning profile generation for you.

If the In App Purchases feature is required for your app, you will be required to sign up for a paid Developer account.

Could someone please help -- is this answer out of date?

I searched everywhere but could not find this button:

• Select your account, hit the “View Details” button and wait (be patient) for them to load.

I have the same issue as beaucarnes above, plus a few more:

Code Block
Code Signing Error: Failed to register bundle identifier:  The app identifier "com.DefaultCompany.FirstARProject" cannot be registered to your development team because it is not available. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to try again.
Code Signing Error: No profiles for 'com.DefaultCompany.FirstARProject' were found:  Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 'com.DefaultCompany.FirstARProject'.
Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 14.4'

I'm brand new to this, just opening up Xcode for the first time (and 1 week on Unity), so I'm sure I did something wrong. Please be gentle! I'm trying to open up my first AR project on my iPhone to test. I've checked 'Automatically manage signing' so I thought the provisional profiles and all that would be automatically created. Do I have to create them manually? Also, do I need to pay for a developer account? I'm such a newbie, I wouldn't think so, but... I'm confused.

Please help!


Is that literally the string it prints? Or did you redact it using a placeholder? If it’s literally that string then you need to change it to something more appropriate for your organisation. If you are using automatic signing in Xcode, you change this via the Bundle Identifier field in the targets General tab (right next to Signing & Capabilities).

A bundle identifier is meant to uniquely identify your app, so the App Store ensures that team A doesn’t register an identifier that’s in use by team B. This means that placeholder identifiers, things like com.DefaultCompany.FirstARProject, encounter this problem because the first team that uses the placeholder owns it forever more. However, that’s not really a problem because other teams can just choose a different identifier.

Bundle identifiers typically use reverse DNS notation, so if you have a DNS domain name associated with your organisation then use that. For example, if you’re working for Waffle Varnishers R Us, available on the ’net at waffle-varnishers-r-us.com, you’d choose an identifier like com.waffle-varnishers-r-us.your-product-name. However, this connection to DNS is not required; if you don’t have a handy DNS name, it’s fine to make something up.

Also, do I need to pay for a developer account?

You only need to joined the paid programme if you want to publish your app or you need to use capabilities that are restricted to paid developers. You shouldn’t need this for your first test project.

For a list of which capabilities are available to which developers, see Developer Account Help > Supported capabilities. The rightmost column, Apple Developer, is the free stuff (-:

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Did you try using the CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=NO . We also struggled for days looking for a solution to build an app for E2E tests without development client and this worked for us. So the full command would look like this:

xcodebuild build-for-testing -workspace Test.xcworkspace -scheme Test -destination generic/platform=iOS -allowProvisioningUpdates CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=NO

Of course it is not a publishable version.

I got the same issue. Followed the steps here and still the same error. Saved Unity, rebuilt, started up xcode, still the same.

90% of the cases, when you get this error is because you had an update or an upgrade that unset the Developer Mode from your phone. The fix is very simple: Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Developer Mode (turn the switch green)

Of course, it's good to know everything works well so rebooting your device and restarting XCode it's just good practice but not necessarily will sort your problem.

"Xcode couldn't find a provisioning profile..." How do I create a profile without a developer account?