StoreKit2: does Transaction.all include paid apps?

Hi, I have a paid app available through the Mac App Store, and when the user opens the app, I want to verify that the transaction of the payment is valid. I would have assumed that in StoreKit2, the 'Transaction.all' would work, but when I tested this, it shows 0 transactions for all users.

This is what I'm testing:

for await result in Transaction.all {
    guard case .verified(let transaction) = result else { continue }
    print("verified product = \(transaction.productID)")
   // send to analytics

But nothing gets observed in the analytics.

Does the StoreKit2 framework have an easy way to determine transactions that are made for paid-up-front apps?


That supports In-app purchases, currently you will need to use Original StoreKit to get the base app receipt information for a paid/free apps. We appreciate the question and feedback - and also encourage and welcome to submit this at