Xcode SPM will only search for my fork

Some time ago I was trying to use a Swift package, but there was an issue in the github repo, so I forked it, fixed it and pointed Xcode towards my fork.

I contacted the team and they resolved the issue. I want to go back to using the official version, but Xcode will only pick up my fork. Even if I delete my fork, Xcode thinks it might be private access and is asking me for new credentials, rather than using the url i'm supplying.

I've tried removing the dependency, clearing cache, derived data, package.resolved, restarted Xcode, restarted MacOS etc. Nothing seems to work.

You can see in the below picture i've typed in https://github.com/airgap-it/... but its complaining that it can't find https://github.com/simonmcl/...

Anyone have any idea how to clear whatever is lingering around?

Accepted Reply

Apple replied to a feedback assistant bug. Its possible to clear the cache by right clicking on "Recently Used" (on the left hand side of the above picture, under the popup), and select "Clear Recently used". After that it correctly picks the package URL supplied


Apple replied to a feedback assistant bug. Its possible to clear the cache by right clicking on "Recently Used" (on the left hand side of the above picture, under the popup), and select "Clear Recently used". After that it correctly picks the package URL supplied