Storekit2 equivalent of SKPaymentTransactionObserver

We have implementend Storekit 2 in our app, for one time purchases and subscriptions, so it is iOS15 and higher only.

Everything works fine, but now we want to add App Store promotions for our IAP's. That doesn't work because the App requires the app to implement SKPaymentTransactionObserver

How to Promote Your In-App Purchases

  1. Make sure your app supports a delegate method in SKPaymentTransactionObserver. You can choose to customize which promoted in-app purchases a user sees on a specific device by implementing SKProductStorePromotionController.

The problem is that this observer is part of the original Storekit API and not of the new one.

What can we do to make this work with the new Storekit 2 API?

Answered by App Store Commerce Engineer in 714432022

Promoted in-app purchases are not currently supported with StoreKit 2. You will need to implement both Original storeKit and StoreKit 2 in order to use promoted in-app purchase.

Accepted Answer

Promoted in-app purchases are not currently supported with StoreKit 2. You will need to implement both Original storeKit and StoreKit 2 in order to use promoted in-app purchase.

That's not very convenient, is it? Maybe mention this somewhere in the documentation so people can choose up front so they don't need to do the work twice?

Apple suggests to use PurchaseIntent.intents instead.

Storekit2 equivalent of SKPaymentTransactionObserver