Pass Type ID certificate is not trusted

Hey folks. I generated a certificate for the Pass Type ID and after I installed it to the Keychain, I've got an error that the certificate is not trusted. Any thoughts what's the problem?

Answered by Azerdills in 714853022


Looks like you don't have the right "Apple Intermediate Certificates" version installed in the keychain. Below how you can fix this.

Double click your pass & scroll down to "Issuer Name". Look for "Organizational Unit" value i.e. G3, G4, etc. under "Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority".

Once you know this G number, go to certificate authority page via this link, Look for the right certificate to download under "Apple Intermediate Certificates" list, it should be one from the list of "Worldwide Developer Reference - G" <-- should match your value for "Organizational Unit" above.

Download & install this certificate & your pass type id should now be trusted.

Hope this helps.

Accepted Answer


Looks like you don't have the right "Apple Intermediate Certificates" version installed in the keychain. Below how you can fix this.

Double click your pass & scroll down to "Issuer Name". Look for "Organizational Unit" value i.e. G3, G4, etc. under "Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority".

Once you know this G number, go to certificate authority page via this link, Look for the right certificate to download under "Apple Intermediate Certificates" list, it should be one from the list of "Worldwide Developer Reference - G" <-- should match your value for "Organizational Unit" above.

Download & install this certificate & your pass type id should now be trusted.

Hope this helps.


Same problem here Thanks, it works

Pass Type ID certificate is not trusted