Simulator Does not Launch when Building

When building the app the simulator does not launch as it previously did, using the latest version on an intel MacBook Pro 2020. I have factory reset the Mac several times and reinstalled Xcode numbers times and have reverted back to previous version which has not worked.

Not had any assistance from this community previously can anyone assist me with this now?


got the same problem on my Mac m1 Mini with macOS Monterey 12.4, xCode 13.4.1

before a couple of days i can build and test all my apps on Simulator or on my iPhone 12 itself. but for now i cant get it to run anymore.  If i click on "build" or use cmd+b to build, xCode says "build succeeded" but after that, nothing happens.  Simulator Tasks are started in the Background but nothing there to show up.  If i try to build on my iPhone device -> Build Succeeded but no app shows up.