Scipy problems with OpenBLAS and Accelerate

I'm using M1pro and have successfully installed Numpy with Accelerate following, and it really speedup my programs. I also ran np.test() to check the correctness and every test passed.

However, I can't install Scipy with Accelerate, since the official document said Accelerate has a LAPACK of too old version. I can't even find a scipy that can pass scipy.test(). I tried the codes below:

conda install numpy 'libblas=*=*accelerate'
conda install scipy

np.test() as fails, sp.test() can't even finish

conda install numpy 'libblas=*=*openblas'
conda install scipy

Both np.test() and sp.test() can finish, but with many failures. I believe the bugs are due to Conda.

pip install --no-binary :all: --no-use-pep517 numpy
pip install scipy

np.test() has no failure and went fast, sp.test() uses OpenBLAS and has 3 failures. This is the best version I have found.

So my question is: can we find a reliable version of scipy on M1? Considering the popularity of scipy, I think it's not a high-living expectation.

And a question for Apple: is there really a plan to upgrade the LAPACK in Accelerate?

You will have to ask the scipy developers about their code. I'm aware of community practices with regards to tools like conda. I don't think those practices work well in the Mac world. Quite frankly, I don't think they work well in the Linux world either. I've seen people go through an awful lot of trouble, and spend an awful lot of money, when they just didn't realize they were running buggy, out-of-date versions of libraries.

WWDC is Monday. There is a good chance there will be a new version of Accelerate, along with everything else.

FWIW, macOS 13.3 included updated versions of BLAS / LAPACK in Accelerate.

Additionally, SciPy v1.14 added support for Accelerate directly (

Scipy problems with OpenBLAS and Accelerate