I have a question. please help me

I would like to know whether the following items can be implemented with swift and whether there are any restrictions on passing the Apple side inspection. Almost all of them are DND-related, but the part I understood is written in parentheses next to the function or function, and I want to know if it is possible if that function is used. I'm a beginner in swift development, so I can't find a solution with a search, so I'm writing this.

  • Don't ring the phone
  • Event catch O (CallKit) when making a call or during a call
  • Turn off all notifications except for allowed first-party apps
  • Send a notification when the company's app is in the background (shoot API communication) O
  • Check whether the current phone is sound, vibration, or silent O (AVAudioSession)
  • Forced switching of sound, vibration, and silence O (AVAudioSession)
  • Turn off SMS notifications


Not sure to fully understand.

Do you want for instance to turn phone ringing off, programmatically ?

This is impossible, that's an OS privilege (or requires user action). See authoritative answer here: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/71767

Same will probably apply to other points.