NWBrowser scan Multicast Entitlement requirements

My app is searching for few services which are running on my local network with NetServiceBrowser. As I am searching using _services._dns-sd._udp.local., I have requested and get the permission of com.apple.developer.networking.multicast (which has been discussed here ).

I have created a provisioning profile with enabling multicast entitlement according to forum guide.

But after that I still have to add Bonjour service types in Info.plist or else NetServiceBrowser throws ["NSNetServicesErrorCode": -72008, "NSNetServicesErrorDomain": 10].


Do I still have to add each service into info.plist although I have added multicast entitlement?


Do I still have to add each service into info.plist although I have added multicast entitlement?

If you are browsing for a Bonjour service with either NWBrowser or NetServiceBrowser, then yes, you will still need to declare this in the Info.plist. The Multicast Entitlement is also needed here because interacting with this particular service utilizes multicast under the hood.