Does Apple still have phone developer support?

When I call 1-800-633-2152 it tells me to go to the web site. Does Apple still have phone support for developers?

If you contact support, you may ask to be contacted back by mail or by phone (at office hours).

It's Apple calling, not you.

Depending on the support topic, you can request to be contacted via phone or mail. Start by going to contact developer support.

There is no option to select, or ask for phone support on the . If there is one show me where and please don't give me the same Iink I posted here.

Try going to the support page, select the appropriate support topic that matches your question. You will then be asked to select a more specific question and then, in the majority of cases can select between via phone or mail support.

I have attached 2 screen shots where does it say anything about a phone call?

For this specific support topic "Tax and Banking set up" it appears that support Phone support is not an option, only via mail.

None of the support options have phone support so I guess the answer to my question is, Apple no longer has phone support for developers. Andreas@AppReview Are you a bot?

Some support topics are covered via phone and mail support, others are only handled via mail. For the support topics where phone and mail support is offered you will see an option for phone, see screenshot below. No, I am not a bot, I am just trying to help you.

On my first support request, the Phone option was available. After the call, the Phone option disappeared. The Email responses are just giving me useless information (they're not even reading what my problem is). I have no idea how to make that Phone option come back. Does anyone know? Could it be associated with office hours?

Same Apple is un-American.

They only care about the big companies that pay them a bunch of money. They don't care about little developers.

I have logged about 5 tickets and got no responses at all, so how can i get in contact with support??

Does Apple still have phone developer support?