Where Is The AppleScript Project Option In Xcode 14 Beta

I have just installed Xcode 14 Beta but there is no option to make an AppleScript project. Is this no longer available ?


It was also stated in the reference note of Xcode14.0 Beta3 that it will be deleted, so it seems that the user needs to take measures in the future.

I also learned from other people.

From the old Xcode.app (Xcode13.x), look for "AppleScrip App.xctemplate" and You can use it by copying it to a new Xcode.app (Xcode14.x) or Xcode-beta.app (Xcode14Beta).

Copy source template: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Library/Xcode/Templates/Project Templates/macOS/Other/AppleScrip App.xctemplate

Copy destination folder: /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Library/Xcode/Templates/Project Templates/Other/

It is now displayed.

Reference site: https://scriptingosx.com/author/ab/ https://twitter.com/bynkii/status/1536763346237771778

Brilliant! Thank you! With this am I now able to connect actions in Interface Builder for my AppleScriptOBj App?

Has doing this fixed the issue found in version 13 where you are unable to connect items with control and drag

The connect action problem is fixed in Xcode 14.0 beta 3 per the release notes. However the ApplescriptApp.xctemplate is still dropped so you still need to do the above fix to get started.

Thanks for the confirmation.

Are there any talks as to why the template has been dropped altogether. I did email Apple 1 week ago but still waiting a reply.

  • My guess is that they phasing out ApplescriptObj. They want to make it less accessible to the average user because Swift is the new thing. It's hard to know for sure because their documentation is so opaque.

  • If you need the template but don't have an older Xcode version on hand, I posted it to dropbox. Enjoy.


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For all of you disliking Dropbox, I published the template @Ibrokemymac provided at https://github.com/zimmer-partners/AppleScript-App-Template-for-Xcode-AppleScriptObjC. Have fun!