how to create a free developer account

i want to sideload kodi on apple tv gen4. i need a free developer account to do so.

is this possible? If so, how?

Thank you.

You should be able to use any Apple ID to do this (like the one you’ve used to post here). If Xcode won’t let you use the Apple ID as is, log in to the developer web site with that Apple ID and then try again in Xcode.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

Can't help w/sl, but this is the current fp process.

Free provisioning/testing/tinkering on your device:

• From within Xcode 7.x or higher (Mac only), navigate to “Xcode—->Preferences—->Accounts.” Hit the '+' icon below left to add your Apple ID*. After you add your account, it will show within the main account window on the right.

• Select your account, hit the “View Details” button and wait (be patient) for them to load.

• Now create the 'signing identity' used to create a provisioning profile used for device testing - Hit the “Create” button next to the 'iOS development' label. When completed, hit ‘Done’. If the create button is dimmed, continue waiting for the process to complete. If you instead see a 'Reset' button, stop...there are other factors outside this process that need to be sorted first.

• Connect your device (cable only, not wireless) and select it as build destination via the 'active scheme' dropdown to the right of the play and stop icons.

• In target's 'General' tab/settings:

• a. Set app identifier you want for your free profile - note this must be unique, meaning if it is already in use, you can expect an alert warning is it is already in use and you should enter a different string. If you expect to make this app for store distribution later, you will either need to change again, then, or make a plan now that includes a naming scheme.

• b. Set team id as your apple id

• c. Hit 'Fix Issue' button below the provisioning profile warning

- You may have to ‘Fix Issue' more than once - keep at it so Xcode can step thru them as needed.

• Run your app with your device selected.**

Free provisioning secrets/things you’ll want to know:

- The profile will be valid for 1 week, after which time you will need to recreate a new one (repeat the process).

- There is a limit to how many apps you can build and test to your device. If you hit this error, delete old versions and try again.

- Maximum number of (connected only) devices limit is reported as 3. And unlike a paid account, there is no Member Center/devices access/management.

- What you can/can't do w/free provisioning is listed here: - In App Purchase, as an example, is one of the features not avaliable w/free provisioning.

- If you see an error that says "change your Bundle Identifier to a unique one”, that means don’t use: …add your last name or some string to the end such as com.sample.lastname. You may need to change it again if your app goes to the store.

- If this is about creating an .ipa to manually hand off, select Build For Archiving under the project menu, not ‘Run’.

- *If you have, had or plan to have, a paid developer account, be sure to use a unique/different apple ID for each account.

- **Free accounts may experience issues launching apps on the watch for the first time.

Workaround: Launch the app manually on the device and click “Trust” when the security sheet appears. You should then be able to launch the app from Xcode.


so did you successfully installed Kodi on the Atv4 and if so did it worked perfectly? I would like to do the same too. Thanks

I did this yesterday. Works great. I believe the free account will only allow the app to be active for 7 days. You would then need to re-sign it and re-sideload it for another 7 days. If you purchase a developer's account it's good for a year or more depending on if you stop being a developer. I think I have that right anyways.

Is there a way to do this in Visual Studio Mac or on a windows machine which using Xamarin Forms?

Is there a way to do this in Visual Studio Mac or on a windows machine which using Xamarin Forms?

I suspect you’ll have more luck asking such questions via the support channel for those third-party tools.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

how to create a free developer account