Enterprise install and iOS 16

After updating my iPhone 12 to iOS16 I am no longer able to install my Enterprise developed app. I have two versions I've tried - my existing app downloaded/installed via a plist file, and a newly reprovisioned version with newly generated certificates. Neither will install, but both install fine on an iPhone 13 running ios15.x.

After a small delay where the icon says "Waiting..." I get an error saying the app cannot be installed and to please try again later. I have also tried install(s) after enabling Developer mode on the phone, but I have the same error.

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote post of ldevaney Down vote post of ldevaney



Because the app is deployed both on App Store and Enterprise In House but with different ids, seems that the App Store ones is poping from somewhere. But this issue arise only on iOS 16

below, I expect <BUNDLE ID 2> but found references of <BUNDLE ID 1> in the logs

Same error here. I found that in the Console App logs:

-[IXSClientConnection _remote_prioritizeCoordinatorForAppWithIdentity:completion:]: No coordinator found for <bundle identifier> and app is not vendable by App Store or is a hard error (1) so showing alert


-[IXSErrorPresenter presentErrorForIdentities:code:underlyingError:errorSource:]: Asked to present alert for error 1 source MobileInstallation underlying error Error Domain=MIInstallerErrorDomain Code=180 "The item being installed did not contain an app with bundle ID **"<BUNDLE ID 1>"**, but it did contain app(s) with bundle ID(s): {(
  **"<BUNDLE ID 2>"**
)}" UserInfo={SourceFileLine=450, NSLocalizedDescription=The item being installed did not contain an app with bundle ID **"<BUNDLE ID 1>"**, but it did contain app(s) with bundle ID(s): {(
  **"<BUNDLE ID 2>"**
)}, FunctionName=-[MIInstaller _bundleInDirectory:withBundleID:error:]} for identities (
  "[**<BUNDLE ID 1>**/P]"
  • Any solution for this?

  • I found mine and solved by updating the bundle identifier in my manifest.plist generater. please check the block in your manifest.plist if you are managing your manifest.plist manually.

    <key>bundle-identifier</key> <string>{$bundle_identifier}</string>

    Or check corresponding block above in your manifest.plist generater

    It could be typo or not being up-to-date due to potential reason such as an app with new bundle identifier, etc.

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Same for us. The apps installed previously still work; new installs are broken

Hello, I have the same problem. But my app is not registered in the App Store. No cause has been found for the problem.

I solved the problem for us changing the manifest.plist file. I spotted that the specified bundle identifier was wrong:

                <string>{{bundle identifier to correct}}</string>
  • This solved the problem as well on our side. Thank you @Blinkar.

    Note for others: manifest.plist is the file on the server that drives Over-the-Air installation

  • A bundle identifier issue doesn't explain why mine would install via plist file on iOS15 devices but not iOS16 devices. Also, I am not distributing my app via the App Store, so maybe I wasn't clear on the problem ...

    I have an Enterprise licensed app that I distribute via manifest.plist from a secure internal website. The app will not install on iOS 16 devices, but will install on iOS 15 (and older) devices. Other than the iOS version, there are no differences.

  • @ldevaney I have the same problem, enterprise app distributed by internal website, works in iOS15 and older but I recieve error on install in iOS16, you found any solution? Thanks

Same problem here. I have enterprise app (the certificate is in-House). I create a IPA file who's ditributed by a download web link. All was ok with iOS15, but with iOS 16, the IPA seems downladed but can't be installed. Any solution ?

i face the same problem. any solutions?

Same for me, iOS 16 bug?

  • As we mentionned earlier @Blinkar finds out that it's a extra level of checks at the manifest.plist on the server that allows you to distribute your App over the air... It's most likely you are using the same manifest.plist to distribute different versions of your App (maybe the Adhoc and the Enterprise one) through the same manifest.plist

    Also open your Console.App and monitor the logs when you launch the app, you will be able to grab some information why the app doesn't open properly.

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I have the same issue and here is some logs from the Console :

error 13:21:52.809111+0300 symptomsd COSMCtrl applyPolicyDelta unexpected absence of policy on appRecord {{APP bundle id}} bg time + grace 2022-09-18 13:22:47.325 +0300 now 2022-09-18 13:21:52.805 +0300

error 13:21:57.483336+0300 SpringBoard [{{APP bundle id}}] Push registration with a nil environment was encountered, will not invalidate token

error 13:22:09.058161+0300 appstored [UPPDDAECE82/{{APP bundle id}}/1B0FEA63] No reporting as request reason is unspecified

error 13:22:09.643085+0300 storekitd Error looking up app with bundle ID {{APP bundle id}}: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-10814 "(null)" UserInfo={_LSLine=1538, _LSFunction=runEvaluator}

error 13:22:09.660835+0300 SpringBoard  Applications did fail to install: (
   "<LSApplicationProxy: 0x280351440> {{APP bundle id}} file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/007A8406-DE66-4B28-B6C2-EB6BB296013E/Runner.app/ <{{APP bundle id}} <placeholder >:1>"
) (appInfos: (null))

error 13:22:09.765932+0300 appstored  [UPPDDAECE82/{{APP bundle id}}] Failing installation after receiving error: Error Domain=IXUserPresentableErrorDomain Code=1 "Unable To Install “Runner”" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable To Install “Runner”, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Please try again later., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Could not extract archive, NSUnderlyingError=0x103f40510 {Error Domain=MIInstallerErrorDomain Code=5 "Could not extract archive" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Could not extract archive, LegacyErrorString=PackageExtractionFailed, FunctionName=+[MIBOMWrapper extractZipArchiveAtURL:toURL:withError:extractionProgressBlock:], SourceFileLine=223, NSUnderlyingError=0x103f1a000 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=0 "Undefined error: 0"}}}}

error 13:22:11.479788+0300 storekitd    Error looking up app with bundle ID {{APP bundle id}}: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-10814 "(null)" UserInfo={_LSLine=1538, _LSFunction=runEvaluator}

I solved the problem for us changing the plist file.I think the bundle-identifier validation might be very strict on iOS16.

<string>exact bundle-identifier value</string>

I also solved iOS16 installation error fixing bundle-identifier value inside .plist file, using exact value from Targets --> App --> General --> Identity --> Bundle Identifier

<string>exact bundle-identifier value</string>

The bundle identifier in your manifest.plist has to be written in the exact same way like in your Xcode project settings. Since iOS 16 it's case-sensitive.

Additionally to <key>bundle-identifier</key> we needed to set <key>title</key> to the exact name of our application in the manifest (plist file)

If someone is using cordova: set bundle-identifier the same as widget's id attribute and title to name element of the cordova's config.xml

We changed our bundle identifier in the plist file from "countryshortcode.companyname.appidentier" to only "appidentifier" and now it works on IOS 16 as well.