Metal crash on iOS 16


since the release of iOS 16 we see a crash EXC_BAD_ACCESS KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS 0x0000000000000158 when invoking CIContext.startTask(toRender image: CIImage, to destination: CIRenderDestination) in the custom video compositor of our app.

The crash happens exclusively on iOS16. The same call runs fine on iOS 15 and lower. By looking at the crashlytics logs, the crash occurs mostly on iPhone12 (~50% of the occurrences).

We are not able to reproduce the bug, as it occurs very randomly.

Any suggestion on how to fix this? Or is it a regression on the new OS?

Stack trace:

Thread 7 name:
Thread 7 Crashed:
0   AGXMetalG14                   	0x00000002060e5b2c AGX::ResourceGroupUsage<AGX::G14::Encoders, AGX::G14::Classes, AGX::G14::ObjClasses>::setTexture(AGXG14FamilyTexture const*, ResourceGroupBindingType, unsigned int) + 40 (agxa_texture_template.h:423)
1   AGXMetalG14                   	0x000000020601d428 -[AGXG14FamilyComputeContext setTexture:atIndex:] + 168 (agxa_compute_template.hpp:3119)
2   CoreImage                     	0x000000019b5eb048 CIMetalRenderToTextures + 744 (CIMetalUtils.m:1348)
3   CoreImage                     	0x000000019b6de5a4 CI::MetalContext::compute_quad(unsigned int, CI::MetalMainProgram const*, CGSize const&, void const**, unsigned long, CI::Dimensions, CI::Dimensions) + 864 (
4   CoreImage                     	0x000000019b6df0e4 CI::MetalContext::render_node(CI::TileTask*, CI::ProgramNode*, CGRect const&, CGRect const&, void const**, __IOSurface**, unsigned long) + 1352 (
5   CoreImage                     	0x000000019b6e0208 CI::MetalContext::render_intermediate_node(CI::TileTask*, CI::ProgramNode*, CGRect const&, CI::intermediate_t*, bool, void () block_pointer) + 472 (
6   CoreImage                     	0x000000019b6e340c CI::Context::recursive_render(CI::TileTask*, CI::roiKey const&, CI::Node*, bool) + 3584 (context.cpp:477)
7   CoreImage                     	0x000000019b6e2bb4 CI::Context::recursive_render(CI::TileTask*, CI::roiKey const&, CI::Node*, bool) + 1448 (context.cpp:402)
8   CoreImage                     	0x000000019b6e3c78 CI::Context::render(CI::ProgramNode*, CGRect const&) + 160 (context.cpp:535)
9   CoreImage                     	0x000000019b7502e4 ___ZN2CI23image_render_to_surfaceEPNS_7ContextEPNS_5ImageE6CGRectP11__IOSurfacePKNS_17RenderDestinationE_block_invoke + 72 (render.cpp:2595)
10  CoreImage                     	0x000000019b754078 CI::recursive_tile(CI::RenderTask*, CI::Context*, CI::RenderDestination const*, char const*, CI::Node*, CGRect const&, CI::PixelFormat, CI::swizzle_info const&, CI::TileTask* (CI::ProgramNode*, CGR... + 4428 (render.cpp:1824)
11  CoreImage                     	0x000000019b74ebe4 CI::tile_node_graph(CI::Context*, CI::RenderDestination const*, char const*, CI::Node*, CGRect const&, CI::PixelFormat, CI::swizzle_info const&, CI::TileTask* (CI::ProgramNode*, CGRect) block_pointer) + 444 (render.cpp:1929)
12  CoreImage                     	0x000000019b74fa54 CI::image_render_to_surface(CI::Context*, CI::Image*, CGRect, __IOSurface*, CI::RenderDestination const*) + 1916 (render.cpp:2592)
13  CoreImage                     	0x000000019b62e7b4 -[CIContext(CIRenderDestination) _startTaskToRender:toDestination:forPrepareRender:forClear:error:] + 2084 (

Crash report:

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote post of dimo94 Down vote post of dimo94
  • I have similar issues with iOS 16 as well. Haven't found a solution yet. Is there any progress with this problem?

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