Playback of HLS with AES-128 encryption on iOS 16

AVPlayerItemVideoOutput.hasNewPixelBuffer(forItemTime:) always returns false when playing back an AES-128 encrypted HLS video on iOS 16. This has always been fine previously and is working perfectly on a device running iOS 14.8.1.

I can find no documentation for this change.

Anyone have any clues as to what's going on?

I've also seen that HLS-AES seems broken since iOS 16.

We are aware of a similar issue. To be sure you are experiencing a similar problem, please file a bug report using the feedback assistant.

I have same issue with iOS16.0 and latest version. With old version 15.7 it's working fine

Same issue for us on iOS 16 devices. :(

seems like this might be fixed as of iOS 16.1 beta 4. But please don't take my word for it and test yourself. In any case users would have to wait for the final release of iOS 16.1 but this seems promising.

Playback of HLS with AES-128 encryption on iOS 16