HmCharacteristic.readValue always crashes with bundleID is invalid and XPC not entitled

I want to print out every hmCharacteristic's value in my Smart Home and therefore created this screen (code see below).

Unfortunately, I am always getting these two errors whenever I try to call the HmCharacteristic.readValue() function (error messages see below).

I am using a physical test iPhone with a real HomeKit Smart Home (no HomeKitAccessorySimulator).

I am also using a paid apple developer Account and did enable the HomeKit entitlement as well as allowed the app to use HomeKit data on my test iPhone.

My question is: Why do I get the bundleId is invalid and XPC not entitled errors and how do I fix them?

import SwiftUI
import HomeKit

struct screen: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Image(systemName: "globe")
            Text("Hello, world!")

    init() {
        let hmHomeManager = HMHomeManager();
        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {
            for hmHome in {
                for hmRoom in hmHome.rooms {
                    for hmAccessory in hmRoom.accessories {
                        for hmService in {
                            for hmCharacteristic in hmService.characteristics {
                                Task {
                                    hmCharacteristic.readValue { error in
                                        print("\(\(\(\(\(hmCharacteristic.localizedDescription) = \(hmCharacteristic.value ?? "[[nil]]")")

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
validateSessionInfo: bundleID is invalid. Please specify the bundleID for kRTCReportingSessionInfoClientBundleID
initWithSessionInfo: XPC not entitled, 1