Multiple commands produce error

After renaming project I have been getting this error, no matter any solution I apply it keeps coming back. Not an expert with Xcode and i'm starting to get afraid that I might do more than damage to the project if I continue to try and fix it. Any Idea how I can fix this.

Multiple commands produce'/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/appName- hhxnebfjfgazokacipibkcifIrvm/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/.app'

  • Target 'appName' (project 'appName") has create directory command with output '/Users/username/Library/

Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/appName-hhxnebfjfgazokacipibkcifIrvm/Build/Products/Debug- iphonesimulator/.app'

  • Target 'appName' (project 'appName") has link command with output '/Users/username/Library/Developer/


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