SceneKit log/console spamming

SceneKit has started filling my console with this log message: "Pass FloorPass is not linked to the rendering graph and will be ignored check it's input/output"

Feels like I'm the only one on the planet using SceneKit, but if anyone can guess at what is happening, or the reason for this - I'm thankful.

You are not the only one :-)

I am seeing this, too. It does not seem to have any harmful consequences, but the log spam leads to frame rate stutter when run through Xcode.

Apparently the error shows up on the logs if you have a floor in the scene with reflectivity 0. Bumping it to something as small as 0.01 prevents the bogus error from being logged.

I'm getting it too with reflectivity = 0. I don't like setting a small value because you end up paying for the render pass then.

This worked for me also. Thanks. I used: let groundGeometry = SCNFloor() groundGeometry.reflectivity = 0.1

SceneKit log/console spamming