Issue to create a location push service extension

I'm trying to implement the Location Push Service Extension in my app. I added a new target => "Location Push Service Extension" and a new subclass appeared "LocationPushService"

In this class I have 4 methods:

  • didReceiveLocationPushPayload
  • serviceExtensionWillTerminate
  • locationManager( .... didUpdateLocations ...)
  • locationManager(... didFailWithError ....)

When I try to run the app, I never enter into any of those method. I sent a notification through Firebase, here the content of it: to: <token>, notification: { title: "Test notification for location", body: "Test notification", sound: "default" }

Am I forgetting something? Should I add something in the payload of the notification or in my code app? Also the CLAuthorizationStatus.authorizedAlways is activated.

Thank you