Missing App Icon in Asset Catalog - 1024 x 1024 on Xcode 14

I've searched and searched for the past 2 days and I can't seem to solve this at all, there seems to be a lot of different advice for different versions of Xcode, but nothing I try can get past this. I can't publish my ipa because of this.

I have an app which has a Asset Catalog (Media.xcassets) which has an icon set called AppIcon - which I've generated a few times, directly in the UI of Xcode and Visual Studio. I've added all images to the ios section and the mac section within the asset catalog - choosing All Sizes (and not Single Size) and can see them referenced all nicely in the json file - there are no warning symbols against any of my icons to indicate they are the wrong size. None of the symbols have any alpha channel set against them, they are all pngs. I've even tried with a completely black image.

I have this referenced in my info.plist (that refers to icons), and XSAppIconAssets is at the top:

I have the Primary App Icon Set Name referenced in Asset Catalog Compiler - Options correctly and App Icons and Launch Screen options are as follows:

If I remove some references to my images in the Asset Catalog - I get specific errors on them and when I add them back in, the errors disappear, so I know the Asset Catalog is referenced OK - I just can't seem to get rid of this obnoxious Missing App Icon error on the 1024x1024 one though

Any help would be greatly appreciated, this is doing my head in!

For example, I can't select icons for iPad, and the program keeps crashing when I make a change

Same exact issue. Did you manage to solve it?

Any updates on this? Getting the same error.

Did anyone solve this? I have the same issue.

I have same issue with XCode 14. Because of this Assert validation failed I can't submit app in TestFlight, Any help

Missing App Icon in Asset Catalog - 1024 x 1024 on Xcode 14