SiriLinkFlowPlugin.WFOpenInteractionFlow error 4

Hi everyone,

I have developed an app which donates user activities and creates shortcuts in the Shortcuts App for handling the Fritz!Box home automation devices via Siri, with the created shortcuts. The Fritz!Box is a very popular router in Germany, which can control bulbs, power plugs, heating, etc.

After update to WatchOS 9, shortcuts created with my Apps ‘Fede’ or ‘Fede Lite’ are still working, but Siri shows the error message: ‘An error occurred while running . The operation could not be completed. (SiriLinkFlowPlugin.WFOpenInteractionFlow error 4)’.

Until WatchOS 8, everything was working fine.

The shortcut execution is interrupted: if there are actions after my activity (I add some manually sometimes), they are not executed.

I get the userActivity correctly in the func handle(_ userActivity: NSUserActivity) method of the WKExtensionDelegate. The userActivity.interaction is nil. I tried re-donating, invalidating and resignCurrent without success.

IMPORTANT: This happens only, if you start the shortcut with Siri. If it’s started from the Shortcuts App, everything works fine, so I guess, that's a bug in Siri or the Shortcuts App.

I saw the error message also on the iPhone, but very rarely.

Has anybody faced this issue? Do you know any workaround? I'd appreciate every help!

Thank you in advance, Fer

Accepted Reply

Update to WatchOS 9.1 solved the problem.


Update to WatchOS 9.1 solved the problem.

Hi there,

You might have better luck asking this question over in Apple Support Communities run by Apple Support.