SwiftUI Widget not rendering Switch Toggle

I'm currently working on a swift widget for my flutter app. When I add a Toggle to my widget and run it, I don't see any toggle.

struct MyWidgetEntryView : View {
  @State private var on = true
  var body: some View {
    VStack(content: {
      Text("I am title").font(.system(size: 20))
      Text("I am text")
      Toggle("I am toggle", isOn: $on)

it does show if I change the toggleStyle to .button

Toggle("I am toggle", isOn: $on).toggleStyle(.button)

I'm using swift 5.5.2 and running it on an iPhone 12 simulator.

Additional info: I am using xcode 13.0

Does anyone know why?

It works for me fine

            VStack(content: {
                 Text("I am title").font(.system(size: 20))
                 Text("I am text")
                 Toggle("I am toggle", isOn: $on)

Xcode 15 iOS 17

SwiftUI Widget not rendering Switch Toggle