Framework creation inside other framework and accessing it in application

Hello everyone, I have two different frameworks A and B. Framework A can work as standalone and also can be included in framework B which is also have some unique features. When user using FrameworkB xcframwork, they can avail the framework B methods and also framework if they want as optional. So they don't need to embed frameworkA xcframework if they want functions only from FrameworkB.

So the implemented solution is

Created Framework A xcframework Craated Framework B and embedded A-xcframework. After generated xcframework for B. After if we try to use FrameworkB-Xcframework in any app, it requires to embed FrameworkA also which is not required by the user. If i am doing the same with normal framework version. it is working fine. But if i do it with xcframework version it is throwing error as No module Found "FrameworkA".

Am i missing anything or is this not possible? If it is not possible, is there any other way we can achieve this?

Please help me on this