Apple rejects ios build - Regarding Guideline 5.1.1

Regarding Guideline 5.1.1, your app requires users to register with personal information that is not directly relevant to your app’s core functionality.

Specifically, the following fields or actions are required but do not appear to be directly relevant to your app’s core functionality:

  1. Address
  2. Zip code

To resolve this issue, it would be appropriate to make these fields optional.

We look forward to reviewing your resubmitted app.

We cannot make these fields optional as these fields are mandatory for the core functionality of our app. Address and zipcodes are necessary for us to get at the time of registration as we have securities running for our app which takes into consideration of zipcode and the address which lets us restrict fraud users from joining at the time of registration.


When an app gets rejected you have the ability to respond directly to the review team, why have you not done that and instead posted here. Posting here isn't going to achieve anything. Communicate with the review team and explain exactly why your app needs the address.