How To Use Objective C Library In Swift Project

Hi all. I need help with this as i struggled to actually use the objective c library.

It says install from cocoapods. check. I got it.

My issue is with the bridging header. I do not understand the posts and answers that I came across in stackoverflow.

do i not need to install the library from cocoapods? instead copying the .h and .m to my swift project? And thereby generating that bridging header file?

So i did just that and set

#import "sf-geojson-ios-Bridging-Header.h"

in the bridging header file. But when i build it, i keep getting the error message

Build input file cannot be found: project-Bridging-Header.h'. Did you forget to declare this file as an output of a script phase or custom build rule which produces it?

what is the correct way to do this? am i missing something?

Answered by chitgoks in 737677022

Well. I now got it to work... unexpectedly. Xcode still needs improvement. Devs do not have to keep on clearing builds, or deingtegrating pods to reset them.

i got to install the lib in pods then just manually created a sapmle objective c library so that xxcode will prompt to create a header file then import the bridging header file into your project's bridging header file

yep. this was never mentioned in any of the posts i came across with.

Accepted Answer

Well. I now got it to work... unexpectedly. Xcode still needs improvement. Devs do not have to keep on clearing builds, or deingtegrating pods to reset them.

i got to install the lib in pods then just manually created a sapmle objective c library so that xxcode will prompt to create a header file then import the bridging header file into your project's bridging header file

yep. this was never mentioned in any of the posts i came across with.

How To Use Objective C Library In Swift Project