Only the current date is displayed blank in UIDatePicker.

Only the current date is displayed blank in UIDatePicker, is there a way to display it normally? (It does not occur in the simulator, it occurs in the actual machine. Occasionally, the event does not occur even in the actual machine.)

   __weak IBOutlet UIDatePicker *_datePicker;
    [_datePicker setPreferredDatePickerStyle:UIDatePickerStyleWheels];
    [_datePicker setDatePickerMode:UIDatePickerModeDate];
    [_datePicker setMaximumDate:_maximumDate];
    [_datePicker setMinimumDate:_minimumDate];
    [_datePicker setBackgroundColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];
    [_datePicker setValue:[UIColor blackColor] forKey:@"textColor"];

It seems like you have overridden the text colour using setValue:forKey: which is not a supported configuration. In any case, if you are still seeing these issues, please file a feedback with a sample project that reproduces this issue.

Only the current date is displayed blank in UIDatePicker.