Apple Pay/NMI - Recurring Charges


I am currently integrating Apple Pay into a subscription web app. Our payment processor is NMI. Everything is working for individual charges. However, I am unable to get recurring payments to work. I tried to re-charge the initial token but NMI returns "DO NOT HONOR". How do I get access to a rechargeable token?

The .onpaymentmethodselected event listener is only returning PaymentMethod: {type: "Credit"}. No token there.

I tried to utilize tokenNotificationURL but it seems like the webhook is never being triggered. I setup a custom endpoint on my node.js server and I utilzed Ngrok to tunnel to my localhost. I also tried but none of these solutions received anything from apple pay. I also changed the recurring payment interval to "minute" to test if the token would become chargeable again after 60 seconds - which didn't work either.

How do I get access to a token that I can re-charge on a monthly basis?

Hi! Any updates on this issue?

Apple Pay/NMI - Recurring Charges