AVPlayer Not Able to Handle Relative Path URL in HLS Streams

We are running into an issue that seems unique to AVPlayer. We've built a new architecture for our HLS streams which makes use of relative URLs. We can play these channels on a number of other players just fine, but when trying to build using AVPlayer, the channel gets 400 errors requesting either child manifests/segments with relative URLs.

Using curl, we are able to get a 200 success by getting to a url like: something.com/segmentfolder/../../abcd1234/videosegment_01.mp4

Curl is smart enough to get rid of the ../../ and create a valid path so the actual request (which can be seen using curl -v) looks something like: something.com/abcd1234/videosegment_01.mp4

Great. But AVPlayer doesn't do this. So it makes the request as is, which leads to a 400 error and it can't download the segment. We were able to simulate this problem with Swift playground fairly easily with this code:

let hlsurl = URL(string: "website.com/segmentfolder/../../abc1234/videosegment.mp4")!

The first print shows the URL as is. Trying to GET that URL leads to a 400. The second print properly handles it by adding .standardized to the URL. This leads to a 200. The problem is, this only works for the top level/initial manifest, it doesn't work for all the child manifests and segments.

let url = URL(string: "website.com/segmentfolder/../../abc1234/videosegment.mp4")!

let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url.standardized) {(data, response, error) in
    guard let data = data else { return }
    print(String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!)

So question, does AVPlayer support relative URLs? If so, why can't it handle the ../../ in the URL path like other players and curl can? Is there a special way to get it to trigger standardizing ALL URL requests?

Any help would be appreciated.

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