I can build the SimpleFirewall application (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/networkextension/filtering_network_traffic ) using xcode: After I run the application, seems can't block any traffic.
I find there is some logs from network extension process:
networkd_settings_read_from_file Sandbox is preventing this process from reading networkd settings file at "/Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plist", please add an exception.
Any step I am missing ?
Most problems like this stem from a failure to adapt the sample for your own code signing environment. That is kinda tricky to do and, if something goes wrong, it’s hard to debug.
My advice is that you take a systematic approach to debugging the problem. I talk about this more in Debugging a Network Extension Provider.
Oh, and regarding this:
that’s just log noise.
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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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