Exception: NSView this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key cell shortly after presenting UIDocumentPickerViewController on Mac Catalyst

Shortly after presenting a UIDocumentPickerViewController on Mac Catalyst the system throws this exception and I keep hitting my exception breakpoint:

NSView: valueForUndefinedKey this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key cell.

Appears to be related to the system using Touch Bar APIs (my app isn't currently using Touch Bar APIs directly but the NSOpenPanel created by UIDocumentPickerViewController is).

#2 0x0000000198de2828 in -[NSObject(NSKeyValueCoding) valueForUndefinedKey:] () #3 0x000000019884ef3c in -[NSObject(NSKeyValueCoding) valueForKey:] () #4 0x0000000200b75a68 in -[NSObject(UIAccessibilitySafeCategory) __axValueForKey:] () #5 0x0000000200b75960 in __57-[NSObject(UIAccessibilitySafeCategory) safeValueForKey:]_block_invoke () #6 0x0000000200b75f9c in -[NSObject(UIAccessibilitySafeCategory) _accessibilityPerformSafeValueKeyBlock:withKey:onClass:] () #7 0x0000000200b754d0 in -[NSObject(UIAccessibilitySafeCategory) safeValueForKey:] () #8 0x0000000222206b60 in -[NSTouchBarItemAccessibility__UIKit__AppKit _accessibilityPopulateAccessibiltiyInfoFromUIKit] () #9 0x0000000222206b1c in -[NSTouchBarItemAccessibility__UIKit__AppKit _itemViewMinSize:maxSize:preferredSize:stretchesContent:] () #10 0x000000019b3f70bc in -[NSCompressionGroupLayout item:minSize:maxSize:preferredSize:] () #11 0x000000019aff24f4 in -[NSTouchBarItemContainerView _updateMeasuredSizes] () #12 0x000000019aff2358 in -[NSTouchBarItemContainerView minSize] () #13 0x000000019accae98 in -[NSTouchBarLayout _aggregateWidthOfItems:sharesLeftEdge:sharesRightEdge:widthMeasurement:] () #14 0x000000019accb22c in -[NSTouchBarLayout _attributesOfItems:centerItems:givenSize:sharesLeftEdge:sharesRightEdge:xOrigin:] () #15 0x000000019acca930 in -[NSTouchBarLayout attributesOfItems:centerItems:givenSize:] () #16 0x000000019b52bbb0 in -[NSTouchBarView _positionSubviews] () #17 0x000000019b52ba6c in -[NSTouchBarView layout] ()


The exception does get caught (my app doesn't crash) but I hit the exception breakpoint over and over again while the NSOpenPanel is on screen which is annoying.

Hi, what's the feedback number of your bug report?


This bug still exists in the released version of Sonoma (macOS 14.0).

Exception: NSView this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key cell shortly after presenting UIDocumentPickerViewController on Mac Catalyst