MapKitJS sourcemap CDN URLs do not resolve


At the bottom of there is a sourcemap comment: //# sourceMappingURL= does not resolve. Nor does

Is there a link to the sourcemap for mapkit.core.js, as well as the bundles at /libs that work?

Many thanks.

I am having actually the same problem, and would like to know if there are any good news.

Hi, Same problem here. Did you get mapkit working with another link.

Same problem here. Any news how you solved this?

Seems like a general issue with the API though, as even on the same error appears.

I am getting the same error messages. I see them in macOS Safari and iOS Safari. I do NOT see them in Chrome on macOS which seems odd.

Anybody find a way to resolve this issue?

MapKitJS sourcemap CDN URLs do not resolve