Where is the correct and official contact window for Apple VAS?

Hi everyone, I work in a company with NFC-enabled reader manufacture. As for the title, I have searched for it for a lone time. Not NFC Certificate Request, it's for issuing passes. I inquired about MFI and the reply was that NFC is not within the scope of MFI. I have asked the local Apple team for help and they have no contact information for other teams and it is not clear which team to contact. My questions are below.

  1. Where is the correct and official contact window for Apple VAS?
  2. Is my post posted in the correct forum? If not, can you provide the correct place to ask?
  3. If possible, I hope to know the conditions for obtaining VAS authorization.

Thanks a lot.


Sorry for my ignorance: what is VAS ?

In fact, the forum is not an official channel to Apple.

You should contact support.

If no answer, you may burn a DTS ticket.


I stumbled over this post and have the same question. I have tried reaching out to the VAS team at their email address, but do not get any response. Did you figure out an answer to your question?


BR Carsten

There is some details about the process here: https://developer.apple.com/wallet/loyalty-passes/

We at Stell are a pass provider and might be able to assist with your pass deployment. Reach out at https://getstell.com and let's discuss the use case :-)

Where is the correct and official contact window for Apple VAS?