




Disabling App Clip's Initial App Store Notification Banner
We're encountering a UX challenge with the automatic App Store notification banner that appears when users first launch our App Clips (not the App Clip sheet). This notification, which suggests downloading the full app, is creating confusion among our users. We've observed that some users tap the notification instead of completing their intended action within the App Clip, interrupting their workflow. Is there a way to disable this banner?
Jan ’25
Intent Handler not called
Hi, I have an intent in my app that does not allow background execution. When the user taps a notification, runs a shortcut, etc. I want it to open my app to perform the action. I have activated "Display Donations on Lock Screen" and when I tap the notification my app is opening, but the intent handler in AppDelegate is never called. Any ideas why? func application(_ application: UIApplication, handlerFor intent: INIntent) -> Any? {         switch intent {         case is OpenPassIntent:             return OpenPassIntentHandler()         default:             return nil         }  }
Jul ’21
Updating coordinate of a annotation
I've been testing out the Map in SwiftUI, but there are some things I cannot figure out if it's possible or not. I have a lot of MapAnnotations in the map, which represent vehicles. I update it's coordinate to reflect the current location for the vehicle. However: When I update the coordinate for one vehicle, it seems like SwiftUI redraws all annotations and not only the one that has changed. The vehicle annotation does indeed update it's location when I change the coordinate, but I cannot find a way to animate it? Now it just jumps to the next location. I guess that's related to the point above. Any suggestion on how I could solve this? Or is the only way to use UIKit MapView?
Jun ’21
Force blurred NavigationBar?
Hi, Is it possible to control how the navigation bar appears in SwiftUI? When I present a view using NavigationLink, the entire navigation bar becomes transparent and making it hard to differentiate between the items in the navigation bar and the actual content below. I want the Navigation Bar to be blurred.         VStack {                          Map(coordinateRegion: $region, annotationItems: rekoRings.filter({ searchBar.text.isEmpty || $ })) { ring in                 MapAnnotation(coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: ring.latitude, longitude: ring.longitude),                               anchorPoint: CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)) {                                          NavigationLink(                         destination: RekoRingDetailView(rekoRing: ring),                         label: {                             VStack {                                 Image(systemName: "")                                     .frame(width: 22, height: 22, alignment: .center)                                     .foregroundColor(.red)                                                                  if !disableInteraction {                                     Text(                                         .font(.caption)                                         .foregroundColor(.primary)                                 }                             }                         })                 }             }             .edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all)             .disabled(disableInteraction)         }         .add(searchBar)         .onAppear(perform: {             fetchRings()         })         .navigationTitle(Text("Delivery Locations"))     }
Dec ’20
Back button disappears when I have items in the toolbar
Hi, When I navigate between views, sometimes the back button disappears after 1 sec. From what I can see, this happens when I have items in the toolbar. If I remove the toolbar, it works as it should. Are my code below wrong, or is this a bug with iOS 14? .toolbar {             ToolbarItem(placement: .primaryAction) {                                  HStack(spacing: 40) {                                          #if DEBUG && os(iOS)                     Button(action: {                         demodemo()                     }) {                         Label("Find artwork", systemImage: "scribble")                             .labelStyle(IconOnlyLabelStyle())                     }                     #endif                                          #if !os(watchOS) && !os(tvOS)                     if let providerUrl = provider.url, let url = URL(string: providerUrl) {                         Button(action: {                             openURL(url)                         }) {                             Label("View \( in Safari", systemImage: "safari")                                 .labelStyle(IconOnlyLabelStyle())                         }                         .accessibility(label: Text("View \( in Safari"))                     }                     #endif                 }             }         }
Sep ’20
App on Apple Watch crashes when installed via TestFlight
Hi! I have a Apple Watch app that is bundled with my iOS app. However, when I install the app using TestFlight it crashes on launch. The app runs fine when launching directly from Xcode. Any tips on how to investigate the cause of this problem? I have exported the diagnosis log for the app, but that doesn't say me much: Exception Type: EXCCRASH (SIGABRT) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 Exception Note: EXCCORPSE_NOTIFY Termination Reason: Namespace WATCHKIT, Code 0x1 Triggered by Thread: 0 Thread 0 Crashed: 0	 libsystem_kernel.dylib				 0x1e3fe060 0x1e3d5000 + 168032 1	 libsystem_kernel.dylib				 0x1e40297c 0x1e3d5000 + 186748 2	 libsystem_kernel.dylib				 0x1e402918 0x1e3d5000 + 186648 3	 WatchKit											 0x33b49df4 0x33a8a000 + 785908 4	 WatchKit											 0x33b4af38 0x33a8a000 + 790328 5	 libdispatch.dylib						 0x1e22c658 0x1e229000 + 13912 6	 libdispatch.dylib						 0x1e22dcbc 0x1e229000 + 19644 7	 WatchKit											 0x33aa75f0 0x33a8a000 + 120304 8	 WatchKit											 0x33aa7384 0x33a8a000 + 119684 9	 UIKitCore										 0x3f226e78 0x3e848000 + 10350200 10	UIKitCore										 0x3f22cc40 0x3e848000 + 10374208 11	UIKitCore										 0x3ea3b74c 0x3e848000 + 2045772 12	UIKitCore										 0x3f228960 0x3e848000 + 10357088 13	UIKitCore										 0x3f228d9c 0x3e848000 + 10358172 14	UIKitCore										 0x3f22ea68 0x3e848000 + 10381928 15	WatchKit											 0x33aa6af8 0x33a8a000 + 117496 16	libdyld.dylib								 0x1e269de8 0x1e269000 + 3560 Thread 1: 0	 libsystem_pthread.dylib			 0x1e4835b4 0x1e479000 + 42420 Thread 2: 0	 libsystem_pthread.dylib			 0x1e4835b4 0x1e479000 + 42420 Thread 3: 0	 libsystem_pthread.dylib			 0x1e4835b4 0x1e479000 + 42420 Thread 4: 0	 libsystem_pthread.dylib			 0x1e4835b4 0x1e479000 + 42420 Thread 5 name: Thread 5: 0	 libsystem_kernel.dylib				 0x1e3db8a4 0x1e3d5000 + 26788 1	 libsystem_kernel.dylib				 0x1e3dad00 0x1e3d5000 + 23808 2	 CoreFoundation								 0x1e7f2a0c 0x1e75d000 + 612876 3	 CoreFoundation								 0x1e7ed414 0x1e75d000 + 590868 4	 CoreFoundation								 0x1e7ecb70 0x1e75d000 + 588656 5	 Foundation										 0x1f313fc0 0x1f30c000 + 32704 6	 Foundation										 0x1f313ea0 0x1f30c000 + 32416 7	 UIKitCore										 0x3f2c2074 0x3e848000 + 10985588 8	 Foundation										 0x1f4738a0 0x1f30c000 + 1472672 9	 libsystem_pthread.dylib			 0x1e47af04 0x1e479000 + 7940 10	libsystem_pthread.dylib			 0x1e4835c8 0x1e479000 + 42440 Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State (64-bit): 		x0: 0x0000000000000016	 x1: 0x0000000000000001	 x2: 0x0000000000000000	 x3: 0x0000000000000000 		x4: 0x000000001766dc29	 x5: 0x0000000000000002	 x6: 0x0000000000000000	 x7: 0x0000000000000000 		x8: 0x0000000000000020	 x9: 0x0000000089b10070	x10: 0x000000004bee7c00	x11: 0x0000000000000000 	 x12: 0x0000000000ff0007	x13: 0x000000001a321000	x14: 0x0000000000033fe8	x15: 0x0000000000000000 	 x16: 0x0000000000000209	x17: 0x0000000000000001	x18: 0x0000000000000000	x19: 0x0000000000000002 	 x20: 0x000000001766dc29	x21: 0x0000000000000000	x22: 0x0000000000000000	x23: 0x0000000000000001 	 x24: 0x0000000000000016	x25: 0x000000004d237ef0	x26: 0x0000000017670310	x27: 0x000000000000000c 	 x28: 0x000000004ef60000	 fp: 0x0000000004abf320	 lr: 0x000000001e40297c 		sp: 0x0000000004abf2e0	 pc: 0x000000001e3fe060 cpsr: 0x40000000 	 esr: 0x56000080	Address size fault
Jul ’20
Scrolling in parent view does not work
I have a macOS app built with SwiftUI, that targets macOS 11. In this app I have a ScrollView that contains several other ScrollViews, but these are only scrollable horizontally. If I mouse over these views, I cannot scroll up/down in the parent view. Only If I move the mouse pointer away from these views, I can scroll. I want it like, if the user scrolls up/down in the horizontal ScrollViews, the scroll event should be passed to the parent view. Is there a way I can fix this?
Jun ’20
Test app in sandbox
Hello,How can I test my Catalyst app in Sandbox mode on macOS? When running the app from Xcode, it already has access to for example location without asking for permissions.If I archive the app and select distribution method "Developer ID" I get the following error message:"Profile doesn't include the and entitlements."I have tried deleting all of the profiles and let Xcode manage them, but still get the same error message - so I'm unable to export the app to other destinations than the App Store.
Apr ’20
Resize SF Symbol in Mac Catalyst Toolbar
Is there a way to resize the symbols in a toolbar within a Mac Catalyst app? When I use SF Symbols in a UIBarButton item, it does not look correct - especially when comparing to Apple apps with the same icons. I have tried applying configurations to the image, without luck.let item = UIBarButtonItem(image: UIImage(systemName: "exclamationmark.bubble"), style: .plain, target: self, action: nil) let button = NSToolbarItem(itemIdentifier: itemIdentifier, barButtonItem: item) return button
Apr ’20
Segmentation fault: 11 in Xcode 10 beta
Hello,I'm trying to build my app using Xcode 10 beta - but I get an error wich I don't get on the previous versions. Any idea of what it could be?While silgen emitConstructor SIL function "@$S14PROJECT25SBMonitoredVehicleJourneyV12directionRef04lineG017publishedLineName9monitored0L4Call15monitoringError24originAimedDepartureTime011destinationq7ArrivalS05delay08courseOfeG00pG00pK00tG00tK005routeG015vehicleLocation0Z4Mode0zG0AcA011SBDirectionG0OSg_SSSgAYSbAA0cM0VAA012SBMonitoringO0OSgA9yA17SBVehicleLocationVSgAA13SBVehicleModeOAYtcfC". for 'init(directionRef:lineRef:publishedLineName:monitored:monitoredCall:monitoringError:originAimedDepartureTime:destinationAimedArrivalTime:delay:courseOfJourneyRef:originRef:originName:destinationRef:destinationName:routeRef:vehicleLocation:vehicleMode:vehicleRef:)' at /Users/name/Developer/PROJECT/PROJECT/Models/SBMonitoredVehicleJourney.swift:11:8 error: Segmentation fault: 11struct SBMonitoredVehicleJourney: Equatable, Codable { let directionRef: SBDirectionRef? /// Identifies the Line. let lineRef: String? /// Name or Number by which the line is known to the public. let publishedLineName: String? /// Whether there is real-time information available for journey; if not present, not known. let monitored: Bool let monitoredCall: SBMonitoredCall let monitoringError: SBMonitoringError? let originAimedDepartureTime, destinationAimedArrivalTime, delay, courseOfJourneyRef: String? let originRef, originName, destinationRef, destinationName: String? /// Identifier of Route that Journey follows. let routeRef: String? let vehicleLocation: SBVehicleLocation? let vehicleMode: SBVehicleMode /// Reference to a vehicle let vehicleRef: String? lazy var departureStatus: SBDepartureStatus = { if delay != nil { let startDate = Date() let components = NSDateComponents.duration(from: delay!) let endDate = components as DateComponents, to: startDate) if let timeInterval = endDate?.timeIntervalSince(startDate) { switch timeInterval { case ...(-60): return .early case 0...120: return .ontime case 120...: return .delayed default: return .noreport } } } return .noreport }() enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case courseOfJourneyRef = "CourseOfJourneyRef" case delay = "Delay" case destinationAimedArrivalTime = "DestinationAimedArrivalTime" case destinationName = "DestinationName" case destinationRef = "DestinationRef" case directionRef = "DirectionRef" case lineRef = "LineRef" case monitored = "Monitored" case monitoredCall = "MonitoredCall" case monitoringError = "MonitoringError" case originAimedDepartureTime = "OriginAimedDepartureTime" case originName = "OriginName" case originRef = "OriginRef" case publishedLineName = "PublishedLineName" case routeRef = "RouteRef" case vehicleLocation = "VehicleLocation" case vehicleMode = "VehicleMode" case vehicleRef = "VehicleRef" } }
Jun ’18