Huge CPU usage since iOS 16.1 on PiP using CMSampleBuffer.


In Picture in Picture, a large number of work queue threads are created and CPU usage increases considerably.

This happens when startPictureInPicture() is executed on a class created with AVSampleBufferController(contentSource:.init(...)). It does not matter how many times AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer() isenque()`, it is reproduced when the Picture in Picture screen appears.

Checking the work queue thread, it looks like it is run by AVTimer of AVKIt, but I can't figure out how to control this.

Does anyone know anything about it?
This seems to occur on iOS 16.1 or later.



From you post image we can see that the cpu time usage is conern with play timer, so I wondering that maybe CMTimeRange(start: .negativeInfinity, duration: .positiveInfinity) is the problem, so I change this line to CMTimeRange(start: .zero, duration: .positiveInfinity). guess what, the cpu usage is drop to 0! so func pictureInPictureControllerTimeRangeForPlayback(_ pictureInPictureController: AVPictureInPictureController) -> CMTimeRange { CMTimeRange(start: .negativeInfinity, duration: .positiveInfinity) }

is the problem. don't return negativeInfinity, just zero.

This issue has been resolved. Thank you very much.