Subclase NSTextView in nib

I have a window with a split view and I want top and bottom to scroll a subclass of NSTextView. I set them up identically and linked to a custom window controller class, but when the nib loads only one gets the custom class. The other one always gets plain NSTextView class. Even more curious, the one that does not get custom class is IBOutlet named "outputText" in my code. If I change the name to something else the nib loads nothing at all. If I change back to outputText, it gets NSTextView again. In fact, it is loaded as NSTextView and assigned to my IBOutlet even if I do not make that connection in the nib file. I tried clean and rebuild several times, but no help. I even looked in the raw nib XML and can see custom class is set, but it is not used.

The connections in my window controller class are

IBOutlet TextViewWithHelpMenu *commandText;
IBOutlet TextViewWithHelpMenu *outputText;

Attached are pictures of how these are connected the same way (but only one works):