Hello, I have been playing around with preference keys and geometry readers but I can't figure out a way to actually get the real size of a scrollview or vstack inside a scroll view. I have 2 different approaches and they both semi work, the problem with them is that when I scroll through the scroll view the size fluctuates. For example if the size of the vstack in the scroll view is 5000, then the size I get from my methods will fluctuate between 4200-5900 as I scroll through the view. Im not sure why this is, can anyone show me a solid way to get the height of a vstack inside a scrollview.
method 1
ScrollView {
LazyVStack {
ForEach(viewModel.new.) { i in
.background(GeometryReader { proxy in
.onChange(of: offset) { _ in
print("Height of VStack:", proxy.size.height)
method 2
ScrollView {
ChildSizeReader(size: $scrollViewSize) {
LazyVStack {
ForEach(viewModel.new) { i in
struct ChildSizeReader<Content: View>: View {
@Binding var size: CGSize
let content: () -> Content
var body: some View {
ZStack {
GeometryReader { proxy in
key: SizePreferenceKey.self,
value: proxy.size
.onPreferenceChange(SizePreferenceKey.self) { preferences in
self.size = preferences
struct SizePreferenceKey: PreferenceKey {
typealias Value = CGSize
static var defaultValue: Value = .zero
static func reduce(value _: inout Value, nextValue: () -> Value) {
_ = nextValue()