Error Code 3502 new in app purchase


I have created one in app purchase at the beginning of the year and it works. But i have created another one last sunday and it doesn't work. The method send me a error 3502. See in attachment...

Please Help me, my app is blocked since sunday and I don't find any solution...

Thanks you a lot for your help !!

Have a nice day



I also have this issue...

Payment completed with error: Error Domain=ASDServerErrorDomain Code=3502 "不提供此項目。" UserInfo={storefront-country-code=TWN, client-environment-type=Sandbox, AMSServerErrorCode=3502, NSLocalizedDescription=不提供此項目。}


Me as well. I had problems with getting the products in the beginning, this seems to be fixed, but now I also have that problem.

One week long we were receiving NoProductsAvailable. Now we are receiving ProductPurchase errors.

Looking forward to seeing Apple fixing this.

Same here

Getting below error, <SKPaymentQueue: 0x283ed83f0>: Payment completed with error: Error Domain=ASDServerErrorDomain Code=3502 "This item is not available." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=This item is not available.}

Please give me solution... Thanks

I have the same problem

I have the same issue:

&lt;SKPaymentQueue: 0x282460b00>: Payment completed with error: Error Domain=ASDServerErrorDomain Code=3502 "This item is not available." UserInfo={storefront-country-code=USA, client-environment-type=Sandbox, AMSServerErrorCode=3502, NSLocalizedFailureReason=This item is not available.}

I tried using a random product ID to see if the ID was wrong but in that case, the ASDServerErrorDomain Code is this rules out issues with the product ID.. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!