Issues with ResearchKit Surveys

Hi, I'm new to ResearchKit. I've encountered a couple issues which seem to be bugs, but I'm not entirely sure:

  1. I have an ORKFormStep that includes an ORKAnswerFormat.scale (scale answer format) and an ORKTextAnswerFormat (text answer format). If I have the ORKTextAnswerFormat first in the formItems array of the ORKFormStep, it displays properly. But if I have it second (after the ORKAnswerFormat.scale), the text parameter is missing. Is this a bug?

  2. With the same setup - an ORKFormStep that includes an ORKAnswerFormat.scale and an ORKTextAnswerFormat - neither answer stores a value on Firebase. By comparison, if I use ORKAnswerFormat.choiceAnswerFormat (text choice answer format), it does store a value on Firebase - worth noting that I do have to set an explicit "value" variable as NSNumber for each ORKTextChoice in this case. Do I also have to manually set a value for ORKAnswerFormat.scale and ORKTextAnswerFormat to match its input somehow? Or is that a bug?

Any help would be appreciated, Wayland